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Why is sex so important to people?


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I just had the question why is it so important to people?I mean people put down people who are virgins and like aging old enough past the age most people do it.Cause a lot of people in my age group have done it before me and they act like its so important.I personally believe that kissing would proly be more intimate to me.But people always want to have sex right away and thats the most important thing about their relationship.Iono i just think there are other things about a relationship that could be just as intimate or even more.Many people just treat it like something they enjoy so why is it so important then?Wouldnt it be much more special if it was waited for?So ur actually making love and maybe make it more special?Cause o man i think kissing would be great it just feels like it would be nice and intimate u know?Well iono i just dont get why sex is so important just a lil question.

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People are confused and in denial about their feelings about sex...I think that when you meet the right person that your feelings will change. The people who are bragging about sex are not doing it to put you down, I think that for guys to have sex it is a mile stone in their lives that they are very proud of, like a red badge of courage. They want you to know that they like sex for some reason. If they are making you uncomfortable, then tell them!

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hi i think its like something people do to be acsepted by their piers you know like dressing a surtan way to make people like you more. its stupid because if people didnt spend so much time looking for sex and only sex in a relationship they might be more better off you know like if your in love then its safe to say you would be making love not just have sex. in my opinion i think that just having sex is nasty because you never know if they had a std or something... just being intimate like kissing or just a simple hug is great. so its not bad to be a vurgin is great. i mean your not feeling presured to do it. so its cool not to have sex befor your ready. well i hope i gave you an ok answer.

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Hey! This is my opinion on the subject...

in a lot of ways sex shouldn't be as important as it is in a relationship..I believe that when ppl talk about "sex" they are not just referring to the act of sex itself, but the kissing, the cuddling, the intimacy in general as well. Once you've 'made love' with someone, theres this bond that you can't really explain...it's just this thing that connects you to someone. And alot of ppl do it too soon because they crave that connection, and they think that by doing it, it will make them closer to that person. You are very right, waiting is always the right choice. I find that if you have sex with someone soon in the realtionship, you are much more likely to become attached and stay with that person, whether or not you actually are or will become in love with them. But then of course, sex is important for the literal view...satisfaction. Hope I gave you some insight.

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Im honest with my friends, whenever they are like, "when u gunna Bone your gf" ill tell them that, sex isnt a big deal to me, respect is. And dont worry, Ive never been made fun of becasue of it, theyll just say, "oh, ok".

So dont feel pressured to get laid because of them, believe it or not, I found out, there are alot of people like you and me, lots of guys will going around saying they have had sex, when they havnt. I feel the same as you, when me and my gf kissed, I was very happy.

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Ignore those people who try to put you down. I'm a virgin myself and noone has ever put me down because of it. You must be hanging out with some jerks if they say that to you. I've done everything except sex with a girl because I want my first time to be special. Don't ever feel pressured to lose your virginity just because everyone else around you has. There is nothing wrong with you because of it. You should not feel "rejected" in any way. I think that is a very personal thing. It's really noone's business anyway. In the end it's about finding that special someone.

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some ppl don't really understand what "sex" really is. they r doing it for the wrong reason. sex is something special, u don't have to listen to those jerks. they r so immature.


Don't ever feel pressured to lose your virginity just because everyone else around you has. There is nothing wrong with you because of it. You should not feel "rejected" in any way. I think that is a very personal thing. It's really noone's business anyway. In the end it's about finding that special someone.

that is very true. i feel exactly the same way.

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Anyone who brags about having sex or would put you down becauses your a virgin are just proving that they don't really consider sex important. They are using it is a goal, something they can accomplish so that they can feel better about themselves, like a rite of passage or proving there manhood. In reality they are demeaning the act and showing how far from mature they really are. At your age that's the way most people think. They feel like everyone is doing it so I better do it too or I'll look like an idiot. The peer pressure can be tough. Also, people are still coming to terms with the idea of love, romance, and there own sexuality. Between a longing for someone to love, the peer pressure, and our own hormones, most people give in long before they are truly ready.


Ultimately I think sex is important in a relationship because of the intense emotional connection that it causes. Sex is a bonding of two people, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It is the most private and intimate act you can share with someone. It is tearing down the walls and defenses and letting someone completely into your life, right down to your soul. Those who are smart and mature will recognize this and not rush into it lightly.


Don't worry or let anyone's words get you down. You are more mature than most people. Waiting will make it more special. When most of them look back on there first time they will probably say they should have waited. You, on the other hand, will be able to say you waited until everything was perfect and were able to appreciate the moment that much more. And I'd rather just have someone to kiss myself, no need for anything more. Just holding someone I love and giving a few soft kisses sounds intimate and romantic.

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i think people place such a high importance on sex because of the way it makes them feel (no duh). but not just physically. sex is more mental than physical. they like the way the other person makes them feel about THEMSELF. it makes people feel wanted and accepted. it makes them feel attractive. it makes them feel in control to some degree and connected to that other person.


also (no big surprise) sex is physically pleasurable. for me, personally, nothing comes close to sex on the 'physical pleasure scale'. though kissing is a close second place.

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