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Help! I'm In The Land Of The Lost!!

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Last summer I met this chic and we hit it off with great conversation and common interests. While we were eating hamburgers she asked about my ex and proceeded to say, "I'm the biggest freak you'll ever meet." We ended our first date with a casual hug and I kissed her on the cheek. On the second date, we went to the drive-in. She teased about rapping me by making out on the hood of my car to show her display of public affection and that she enjoys "going down" on a guy.


Now on the third date, things heat up as I suspected. She treated me to bowling and she sat in my lap and publicly kissed me on my lips, cheeks, forehead and neck. Afterwards, we talked for a few minutes in my car and she began to aggressively kiss me and put a hickey on my neck. I was rubbing her legs, crotch, breasts, but she didn't want to go all the way and the excuse she used was, "Your car would smell like my punanny." Hey, I wouldn't mind . After that event had transpired, she treated me to the movies and I bought her candy and popcorn. When the show ended, we were kissing next to my car in the parking lot. When I drove her home, she said "I've earned 1 million brownie points for not going forcing her to have sex." Two weeks passed and I alluded to the possibility of us getting jiggy with it and she said I was too passionate for her and I should pursue someone else.


Three months had passed and I called to wish her and her family a Happy Thanksgiving. December came and she wanted a second chance with me. I said okay and we went on one date with no kissing involved. I got pissed off at her because I discovered she gave her number to one of my friends, so I cut-off communication with her AGAIN. For about a week, she was ringing my phone off the hook at home and at work to apologize. She also proclaimed that we were not officially dating and she could give her number to anyone she desires. Her point was valid, so I played it cool.


Valentines Day came and she didn't shyt from me. The following week, she admitted that in January we didn't hang out because she was kickin' it with one her ex's and a new guy she met at work. This is the same ex she was pregnant by and had an abortion. I was livid about her spending quality time with her ex!! I voiced my concern to her and she understood. April approaches and it's my b-day month. One night, she took me out, and bought me a couple of gifts. We end the date with a passionate kiss. Keep in mind that at the dinner table, she tells me that she just discovered the week before that she contracted chlamydia from an ex-boyfriend last April. At this point I say, "Waiter, alcohol please!!"


Now it's May and she told me at the beginning of this month she went to the movies with a former ex-lover because I wasn't available and she proclaims that she told him she wasn't available because she's dating me. Hmmm....yeah right . Three days later, we do the movie thing again Afterwards, she treats me to Denny's and reassures me that she's not stringing a me along. Ha, at this point I don't know what to believe . Once again, we're sitting in her car and she jumps my bones. I'm licking, sucking, rubbing and fingering parts of her body. I make a move to take it to the next level and she stops me and says "Baby, not in my car." I say, "Okay, mine will do just fine." Then she gives the death blow by saying, "Honey, I can't. I'm teasing you tonight." I couldn't believe my ears!!


Last Monday, I gave her a piece of my mind by indicating that I have built-up frustration and resentment. No guy should ever get "blue balls" from a female on a continuous basis! She stated that I'm jumping the gun, and continue to go with the flow because the sex is coming. Yeah, right!



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For one, if a girl constantly teases you and lures you into thinking sex is in the forecast and NEVER follows through she's definitely playing you! Some women view sexual behavior as a form of control. It seems like you were her back up emotional/sexual crutch. When there was no one else around to lick, tug, finger and suck, she called you! But when there were other, more eligible candidates maybe, she went with them.

Have you ever considered that the foreplay itself was getting her off and that was all she really needed?

On the the other hand, maybe she is really sexual and thinks you unworthy of the whole sexual act because she can get it elsewhere?

It kind of disturbs me that you would want to stick or lick any girl with Chlamydia, it is cureable but you don't know what else she has. So the next time, date her, but stop HER before she has a chance to stop you and then...DON'T EVER CALL HER AGAIN.

Find yourself a clean girl to get jiggy with. There are plenty clean girls out there. However, they may not be willing to put out easily but at least they won't blatantly tease you!



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Thanks for your response. Maybe she is playing me, but why would she introduce me to her mother, church mothers and pasters if she wasn't serious. I know the STD is a factor but it is curable and she's been taking medication for it, and I would use a condom, but I suppose when you've invested in something, you want to a return of some sort (profit).

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Everyone wants a return on investment. But trust me I am speaking from experience, girls like that have nothing to return that you want. Sometimes you have to look at things as a sunken cost. Trust me. And when respectable girls see you laughing at a skank it opens doors to them that would not be there otherwise. Girls respect men who respect themselves. The sooner you learn that the better off you will be. Plus you got the time factor, why waiste any more time on something that is not worth it. If you want to *** her thatn dont call her. It will make her know that her games don't work and you are better thatn that. Than she will give in. But I wouldnt. Not worth it man. Every other girl that knows what she had and knows about you two sleeping together will black list you permanantly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It is obvious to me that this girl iz insecure and needs a man 2 help her confidence.


If u actually considered gettin2kno her and findin out and helpin her thru her problems,

And basically respect and consider the girls feelins b4 u, uh hum, ''GET JIGGY'', U may have better luck with women in the future.


Yeah she soundz like a tease, but don't hate on her, I'l bet thats coz she's tryna hide her insecurities. Women are more than sex toys.



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