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sudden urges

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lately...ive been feeling so weird. when im around my guy friends i like wanna throw myself at them..and even older guy friends too. its been like this for like a week now..and idk why i feel like this. every day this week i have plans with a different guy and only one of them is my boyfriend...i mean its just plans to hang out but idk if any thing else would happen. i was kinda sending signals to my friend sean today and he kissed me but i stopped him cuz of my bf...idk if any of this makes sense or if any one can help me out with why i am feeling like i wanna be with other guys...plese help if ya can.

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you are 16...it's your hormones...


you are far too young to have a steady boyfriend...and I'm not talking about it from an age perspective...it's more human development.


I'ts only natural for you to want to experiment, meet other people, date other guys...it's how eventually, you find the person you spend the rest of your life with.


Your body hasn't matured to the point of being settled in with one person...

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yea , its def hormones ..im still feeling them but u have to learn to control them ..and if u dont feel like you are good with just ur bf as your only source of male contact then you shouldnt have one...bc thats just not very moral ...good luck..u will eventually gain control just dont do stupid things until then

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oh, yeah...hormonal high tide....it happens less frequently the older you get. You can have all the "inappropriate" thoughts you want, as long as you don't cross the line into action. Fantasizing while....um...ehrm...amusing yourself is fine, though Self-pleasure will help take the edge off...

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