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Is she falling for him or are they just friends?


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well if u want an update on the story PLEASE read the below link:


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Basically i like this girl i work with and i think she might like me to. The problem is I think she has fallen for one of her friends she has known for over 2 years now and likes him a lot more than she likes me (especially since he is now avaliable).


These two always seem to call eachother about 3-4 times a week and talk and laugh for about an hour or so each time, sometimes longer. The two of them go to dinner about twice every week (alone). They get along very well.


This friend she has fallen for has been with his girlfriend for about 4 years now. They just broke up about 3 weeks ago (the two of them were not good together and she never had any time for him. I think the passion died out a long time ago). Even when this guy and his girl were together the girl I like and him would still do the talking thing and dinner thing just as often. The girl i like even said "it's like we are dating without the sex etc"


This guy she has falled for seems like a very nice guy and all. He is a gentleman. Threats her good, takes her shopping (every now and then), gocery etc makes her laugh. They go for drinks, dinner, movie all that stuff together.


All of this girls' friends are telling her that this guy is perfect for her and that this guy likes her. This guy has also touched her a few times playfully on her stomach. Today she was talking to him and she was saying to him that she has lost a lot of weight and her stomach is getting fit now and she no longer looks 2 months pregnant (she is not pregnant, she is just joking around). Today she offered to cook dinner for him as well cuse she lost a bet with him.(he comes over to her place every now and then). Lately she has been concerned becuase he has not been calling her alot. Today she was thinking of asking him what he is doing on newyears (but she never actually asked him as yet).


Whenever i ask her if she likes him she always says no or not really. She always says "i will give it time and see with hapens, I am not gona push it or anything" Today, after she was finished talking to him, i said to her "u're falling for him right!". She then said "No"


She also says he is not really that attractive physically. She says he is not bad looking and he dresses well (I know she likes guys that dress well).


Now that this guy is single and everyone has pretty much told her that they are good together i think she is really starting to consider being with him. She has even asked me what i think and i was honest with her (eventhough it was hard for me to do it cuse i have feelings for her) and told her that i think he likes her and that she should try to flirt with him. Also all of her friends are telling her that she is getting old and if she wants to have kids she should try and settle down soon (I know that she wants to have kids).


So what do u all think? Does she like him. Does she want to be more than friends with him?

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she is interested in him, yes, as more than friends...


I didn't go throught that other long post but if she knows how you feel about her, even if she just suspects it....she will not flat out tell you she has interest in someone else...


since you are just friends she may consider he love life to be no one's business but her own...

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She has even asked me what i think and i was honest with her (eventhough it was hard for me to do it cuse i have feelings for her) and told her that i think he likes her and that she should try to flirt with him.[/size]




That just sucks


The fact that she is asking probably means that she is not interested in you.


How old is she, by the way?

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she is interested in him, yes, as more than friends...


if she knows how you feel about her, even if she just suspects it....she will not flat out tell you she has interest in someone else...


why not just flat out tell me that she is interested in being more than friends with this guy? I think that would make more sense since i will look elsewhere.


Why would she keep on denying it if she is interested in this guy?

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Why would she keep on denying it if she is interested?


a) doesn't want to hurt your feelings

b) doesn't feel it is your business

c) keeping her options open

d) all of the above


pick one =)



i kind of think B is a no cuse i here her talking to her good female friend and she also denies it with her as well.

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i just had a long talk with her (about 2 hrs) about this guy. yes she does like him but she is afraid if the guy does not like her (I am very sure he does). She came out and said it. Right now i am helping her get with him. The way i see it, she does not like me or has lost interested in me since this guy became avaliable. I want her to be happy so I am helping her with this guy. Plenty of nice girls/women out there so its time for me to move on i guess.


I helped her arange a newyears thing between the to of them, Helping her plan this out and giving her things to say, things to do etc.


She say thanks u r very knowledgable.


They way I see it she is important to me and i want her to be happy...even though it's not with me.

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