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This is it...

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to the point. When we broke up she said she wanted to take some time to her self and then start over with me. I thought it was BS so like the dumb#$% i I was, I said no. But now that all this time has passed, I know now it's something I want to do. So when she stops by to pick up her stuff I was going to come out and say, I made a mistake and would like to start again as friends and see where that goes. But now her ex is around and I dont want to look loke a fool again, if anythng might happen between them. The friend that told me about her ex being around also said something about how she's changing back to how she used to be. (what ever that means) But in the same breath he also said they wern't together or anything, but still, I dont want to interfear with what she wants. Just incase that may be what she wants. Should I still bring it up to her? Or does it sound like we took too long? Almost 6 months. I miss her dearly, but we've been involved with our own lives things have changed a lot for both of us. (She always found a way to keep contact tho) I know it dosn't sound like much time, but trust me on my end too much has too fast, and as for her, it's sounds the same. But thats what she wanted I guess.


I think I will bring up us starting over again. Things just have me shaken.

It's like when I know what I'm going to do, something cpmes up and throughs me off. Please help me if you can make it through this whole thing. She said smetime next week is when she'll stop by. I fear if I dont move now, I may loose my chance if I havent already.

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i just wanted to give u a little of my opinion. if it helps at all.


The past month my ex has been acting completely strange. Like totally wanted to know everything in my life, asking me when i work and saying he would come in and then actually coming in. Calling me often, making excuses to call, letting me know each time wek talked that he wasnt talking or seeing anyone, texting me. And as time went on i couldnt take it anymore


I would ask everyone what they thought and everyone said that he wants more then friends, there is no guy that puts that much effort into being friends with an ex. they were saying he most likley wants you to bring it up. But im like nooo i cant i want him to.


well last night i could not take it anymore and i called him up and stated that i cant contiue like this. I can not be friends with him becuase after 3 months i still have feelings for him and i do not know where he stands. He was all like im sorry blah blah. I mean sure he didnt say im sorry i dont feel the same, but i really have to assume this at this point and figure he was keepin me on a string for when he was ready. he was all like cant i call you, how about we see where we stand in a couple weeks. Uhh no. So i said what i had to say, didnt cry, i was pretty sturn. Im tired of playing games. You shouldnt have to play them either.


There comes a time when no contact, waiting to see wht they do next, totally analyzing everything has to come to an end. Because ur brain beings to go completely insane!! mine sure did. So i said what i had to say and now i keep telling my self "hes just not that into me" and really everyting is left to him.


when we were gettin off the phone he said for me to call him when im ready to talk and i said NO i want him to call me when hes ready to talk. And i said bye.


Letting them keep you on the side will get you no where. And i believe letting them know exactly how u stand is the best way and leaving it to them and moving on. Its tough and its been a day since this whole thing occurred but THE WHOLE GAME THING GETS OLD REAL FAST. So maybe me steppin up will make him think, who knows.....


i really thik u should do what u think is best.........but i was just sharing my story..............who really knows whats gonna happen next but at this point im keepin my head high and not hoping for anything these days. And if he was really showing them signs for a reason( that he wanted to come back) then this might of been the best thing i did. If not for our relationship, i did the best thing for me.

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She called back to let me know she'll call me some time next week as to when she'll pick her stuff up. (she left some things over at my parents house, so I wanted to meet her there). So I went a head and put a foot in and said I'd like to be there when she comes, and that I'd like to see her.

It felt good to be the first one to brake the "role playing" and come out and say something. To my surprise she sounded happy, her mood changed a bit, more like her. She said she'd like that. That still dosn't mean anything. We'll see what hapens.

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