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women do you hurt during sex? Specific:years without period?

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1) How often do you women hurt during sex, and under which circumstances.




I'm with a girl that has had the following problems:



1) She was on birth control years ago (shot form), and perhaps because of this she didn't have her period for years (not sure exactly).


2) Sometimes sex hurts to her, sometimes it doesn't, but if she has sex 5 times in 2 weeks, she sex is painful to her a few of those times.


3) She gets bladder/yeast infections periodically. As far as I know it happens every other month if not more.


She has been to an OBGYN and she says that they are never very concerned with any of these problems.


What do you think?

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Is this the same girl you posted about, your FWB who you said isn't as interested in sex as much as you are?


sex hurts when a woman isn't properly lubricated...it has nothing to do with a form of BC she was on years ago...either work on getting her more aroused before entering her or buy some alternate lubrication...


bladder and yeast infections just come with the territory of being female...it's somewhat hereditary as to how often she gets them.

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Is this the same girl you posted about, your FWB who you said isn't as interested in sex as much as you are?


sex hurts when a woman isn't properly lubricated...it has nothing to do with a form of BC she was on years ago...either work on getting her more aroused before entering her or buy some alternate lubrication...


bladder and yeast infections just come with the territory of being female...it's somewhat hereditary as to how often she gets them.


thanks for your help tickle. I don't think it's a matter of lubrication. This is a chronic problem that has happened for years. I mentioned the method of birth control, because I have heard of cessation of ones menstral cycle with this injection form of birth control, and found this very weird that she hadn't had her period for years. Doesn't that sound strange? But about the other problem. I don't think it's lubrication, but I can always try some KY to find out for sure, but like I said, this has happened with other guys, after other times, and at various states of arrousal.


Is there any frequency of yeast/bladder infections that one would need to start going to see a doctor?

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if the pain is specific to her cervical area, you are going in too deep and bruising her...if it is all around internal pain...it's lubrication. If you have vigorous sex one night, then see her a gain a day or two later, she will still be a bit irritated on the inside and will need more lubrication than if you went several days...


some women from the day they start to have sex have a problem with lubrication and need supplemental.


if she hasn't had her period for years...the shot could very well have put her into a pre-menopausal cycle. Doesn't mean she can't all of a sudden w/o warning get pregnant. A pre-menopausal cycle will also, decrease a woman's lubrication production.


as far as the infections...yeast infections can be treated with OTC medication. She gets them due to her hormonal changes probably when it is supposed to be that time of the month...Bladder infections usually require antibiotics...so if she gets one of those she should head to the dr.

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I just wanted to say that birth control alters womens' hormones and cessation of menstruation is common with some types of birth control. I'm wondering if your gf has any problems with hair growth in certain places that she didn't have before getting on this type of birth control? If so, she may want to have her hormone levels checked out with a doctor because many of these birth control methods will suppress the production of estrogen, which is the dominant female hormone. If estrogen is suppressed, many times testosterone levels are higher and this can lead to atrophy of the female sex organs and a woman may never be able to get pregant as a result of this.


Both you and your gf should do your own research on different methods of birth control, esp. if you think they are the cause of her many female problems. The internet can be a good resource.

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For bladder infections she could get some cranberry tablets at the store. They are a lot easier to take than the juice. I also make cranberry smoothies that are really good.


For yeast infections, she could try to keep off of sugar or salt. She may have some food allergy that she doesn't know about.


Is she off the birth control now? Do you use condoms? That may be a part of the problem too, you may be rubbing harder to get the stimulation that you need.

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If she used the Depo Provera shot for birth control, it is not uncommon for her period to have stopped.


I had responded to your other post about sex that hurts and after reading this one it is even more clear why sex might hurt for this woman: if she is getting infections and having sex...that would be very painful. She's basically getting re-iritated every time.


I think she needs to get another opinion from a different OB-GYN. If she is getting infections every month, that is concerning and probably not very pleasant for her. You should also get checked out- men can contract bacteria from yeast infections, many times without symptoms, and be a carrier, re-infecting their partner.


Also, is she using any products that are harsh/irritating to her...a particular soap, bubble bath, etc? Could she be allergic to condoms, if you're using them?


It is not healthy to have infections on a monthly basis....something must be causing it. I think she'll get better with the proper medical treatment...and perhaps you'll both need to take anitbiotics to clear it up. If she keeps using over-the-counter remedies...it will only cure it temporarily. She'll need to get to the source of the infections, whether it is her giving it to you and vice versa, or a product she is using, or an allergy etc. I don't think what she is experiencing is "normal" or comes wiht the territory of being female...not if it is happening chronically and interfering with her lifestyle. I don't want to scare you, but in extreme cases, untreated infections can lead to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.


One other thing: I had a friend who had constant bladder infections. She seemed to get one a day following sexual intercourse. She went to see a urologist and he found that she had a small tear in ther unrinary tract that was very sensitve to normal bateria. He prescribed her an antibiotic to take 1 hour before she had sex, as preventative measure. That seemed to do the trick with her. Your partner seems to have more going on- since she is getting both bladder infections and yeast infections....but bacteria is the common factor in both types. I really think you partner needs to get another doctor's opinion about this immediately. Once it is taken care of, I'm sure your sex life will improve.

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how old is she? if she hasn't had her period for a long time, plus sex hurts and she is always having infections, she should be seen by another gyno.


by the way, i have frequent bladder/yeast infections myself and you know what helps the most?


1. I don't use bubble bath anymore.

2. Make sure she is wiping herself properly after peeing...front to back or else bacteria builds where it shouldn't.

3. I have yogurt nearly everyday and this keeps your bacteria level under control in the body.

4. and my MOST prized possession for bladder infections: VITAMIN C.

I take 1000 mg of vitamin c everyday and haven't had a bladder infection since, even though I was getting them probably once a month before. The vitamin c makes the bladder so acidic that no bacteria can live in there. my doc told me this and i was very skeptical. plus, everyone should be taking vitamin c anyway, it won't hurt you.


try these things, and demand she be seen by a specialist. she shouldn't have to suffer like that.

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All this advice has been good. I just want to add one thing-does she experience pelvic pain at any other time? There is a condition known as endometriosis where part of the lining of the womb gets displaced. It`s not life- threatening or anything like that but it is a known cause of pain during sex .A number of woman suffer from but is often overlooked. Just something to think about

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