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Doesnt this bother you?


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well somethign that sort of bothers me like my friend complains about how he cant see his gf and stuff and just keeps on ranting about it.LIke blah blah "so fricken lame i cant see her at all today because of her stupid dad and stuff".Its like lol.I havent seen my gf my whole entire life cause ive never had one do i really wanna listen to you?BUt i definitely dont say that because im so clammed up and dont tell them anything about that.Thats why i come to this site dont things like this bother u fellow girlfriendless/boyfriendless for your whole life people?JUst wondering if the same thing bothers you cause it bothers me lol.MAybe its just because im jealous or something but o well now back to listening to fall to pieces by velvet revolver that song is great

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I have a feeling your friend never even took into consideration your feelings on the matter...I doubt it's jealously (unless you like his girl LOL) but it's just more being stung by his insensitivity.


at some point shinobe, you need to fire off a comment to him somewhat to the effect of "at least you HAVE a girlfriend to complain about!"


he's your friend, you need to make sure your friends don't disrespect your feelings.

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Hey there...

I was boyfriendless for a long time...but mostly by choice. I didn't have a 'real' boyfriend my whole life. And yea, it did kind of irritate me to always hear about everyone's sgnificant other...it got old. I thought: "Yeah..okay, what's the big deal anyway?". Etc. But, I think it was mostly because I did not understand. "Love" can be such a strong thing...but you know...at least you have not had your heart broken...believe me, you'll have a girlfriend eventually...and when you experience your first heart break...you'll wonder how you ever could have been jealous of those in the 'dating' scene.


Just try and enjoy the moment. When the right girl comes along, worry about it then. As for now, in regards to your friend(s). Just try to sympathize as best you can, for "love" can make people a lil' crazy too. And one doesn't even realize how perhaps...silly, they sound.

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Hey there...

I was boyfriendless for a long time...but mostly by choice. I didn't have a 'real' boyfriend my whole life. And yea, it did kind of irritate me to always hear about everyone's sgnificant other...it got old. I thought: "Yeah..okay, what's the big deal anyway?". Etc. But, I think it was mostly because I did not understand. "Love" can be such a strong thing...but you know...at least you have not had your heart broken...believe me, you'll have a girlfriend eventually...and when you experience your first heart break...you'll wonder how you ever could have been jealous of those in the 'dating' scene.



I've been also with no GF for a very very long time. Not exactly option but i wasn't feeling bad with it either. Then suddenly i had my real first one (the one i planned to pass my life with). It was oh so great, the joy, bla bla bla... Guess what? It end up really bad and i ended with a broken heart... Now i wonder what the hell was i thinking? Wasn't i better off alone?


Yeah, from_now_on, is right, give it time. It happened to me too. I gave it time. But i end up getting hurt. Hope you don't end like me.

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God do I hear that one, sweet jesus if I could recount the times my cousin has whinned about how he wants this girl or how he can't see this girl because of this and that. It's enough to make you want to vomit. I'm sitting over here teeth clenched like "thats nice.... did you notice I don't even have a GF?!?!". basically you have two options, either tell him to shup up, or clench your teeth and deal with it. Or I guess you could try to change the subject, but if it is the same w\ u as it is me, that wouldn't be possible. LoL Sorry this doesn't help, but just lets u know your not the only one =p

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