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Ups then the Downs and repeat

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I am having crazy emotional swings of one minute not feeling a thing and being completely fine and the next minute i feel like crap and miss her (sort of) this is has been happening for months now and I'm tired of it. My own emotions don't make sense to me anymore, its kind of like i enjoy thinking about it!! (whats that about?)


The amount of times i have thought about contacting her is slowly increasing but i maintain the fact it would be completely pointless and a massive waste of time, i also don't want to give her the satisfaction of thinking i feel the way i do at times!


Maybe its just me, but this isn't set off by anything, i have nothing in the house to remind me of her. Its the quiet moments when my mind travels towards how much she f***ed me over then tried to make me feel worse via messages, maybe im just a huge and dont deal with this stuff very well? She is better at dealing with this stuff then i am, just as a point i think i might see this as a competition in a way?


Its been 5 months and Im tired of this, its one of the strangest experiences ive been through


This probably doesn't make much sense, its just the rambling of my mind at the moment so its a bit sporadic. Any advice or whatever would be helpful



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