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I hope i picked a good gift. :/


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What do all of you ladies think. We have been dating for a couple of weeks now and we decided to buy Christmas gifts for each other. We havnt kissed yet but have held hands and stuff. She has even said she wants to kiss me the next time we go out on IM. So today I bought her a necklace. Nothing to fancy just a heart shaped thing with a few little diamonds that comes in a little glass box. I still go some time to return it but I liked the way it looked. Do you think that it is a good gift?

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how long exactly have u been dating? and are you guys really close...as friends? and is 100 dollars a LOT of money for you? and would it seem like a LOT of money for her? does she like that finer-jewelry type stuff? do you know about how much she plans to spend on you?


For one, don't tell her it was 'so expensive' would be my advice given the info you've provided if you do plan to give it to her...And if you do and she seems a little..."eep" let her know you can take it back if she wants and that you just wanted to get her something nice to let her know you cared.

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I think she is spending about 50 dollars on me. She is into a lot of fashionable type stuff scarfs and things like that. She already has a lot of it. One hundred dollars is a decent chunk of change for me but I have a steady job and can handle it. We have been dating for 2 weeks. We have been good friends for over a month. I just dont want to scare her off. If anybody has any other good gift ideas I'm willing to listen we arnt exchanging until next friday night.

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Well...two weeks is not that long...but you guys are close friends, yes? And she's a girl who has nicer things. I think she will appreciate it...and if she likes you I don't think something like that would scare her away. I guess my question here would now be: If you guys break up after you have given it to her already (oh joy what a lovely topic, sorry)...would you be incredibly angry/upset that you had spent 100 dollars on her?

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I don't know your situation, but giving a $100 gift to someone I've only dated for 2 weeks is a tremendous amount of money for me in one shot. The 2 week thing is the main factor in my decision.


But like I said I don't fully know your situation. So if it feels right, just do it

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Yeah, I don't know what to do. I think she would like it a lot and thats why I bought it. As you mentioned the thing is we are early on in a relationship that is going very good so far. I guess I would be a little upset if we broke like a week from now or something but I dont think that will happen. Well I think I will just give it to her. But before I give it to her I will say something like if you dont like it I will take it back I got plenty of other ideas. or something along those lines.

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That's a lot of money for a gift for a gf of 2 weeks. I would reconsider if I were you. Maybe save it for Valentine's Day? It is always a sticky situation, the first gift-giving occasion in a new relationship. You want to try to pick something that will be similar in "value" (value here can mean more than monetary...like romantic value) to what she is getting you. If there is a big mismatch then both of you could wind up feeling bad. Try to hint with each other about what you would like to get from the other person as the occasion approaches. Nothing too obvious though, subtlety is called for here.

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OK, yes i think $100 is alot of money if you have only been datin gfor 2 weeks...BUT i am a girl who likes nice things, and i would consider returning it, and getting her a nice pair of earings....if she wears them. I, and all of my friends and sisters are really into dangly earings, they are in style now....you know like the nice long hangy earings. There are some very beautiful ones out. I would suggest going to macy's and checking out the brand "1928"(just ask an employee if you cannot find the brand, they will show you) they make very pretty earings for about $20-$45 and may be having a sale now since it's around the holidays, or you may find coupons in the paper. BUT, just go take a look at them, there is a great assortment and very pretty. But if you know that she doesn't wear earings maybe, or does not have her ears pierced, then just ignore my post

ok let me know what you think,

hope i helped

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Gift giving is such a hard situation. I gave my friend a b-day gift that consisted of a card and a giftcard to somewhere she always goes. I pushed a button somewhere because that's what set it off... i guess for xmas we are just going out to a nice dinner and the mall next week.



Just do what you think is right.... sometimes it doesn't matter how much the gift is worth. Sentimental value can be very important in the end. So in other words, listen close and try to gather things she likes by what she says.


just a thought you know



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