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Well me and my gf have been goign out for almost 9 months. i still love her very much and im pretty sure same with her, the only problem is that i cant seem to trust her. I dont think she is cheating on me i just think she lies to me alot about were she is or what she is doing. I talk to her friends and they said that she is a "pathological liar" ( she lies even when she dosent). So like i dunno if i can ever trust her about what she says she is doing. She also tells me what she does but her stories seem so unbelieveable(close enought spelling) And when i confront her about her lieing she turns it back on me about how i dont trust her and it makes me look like a jerk. So i dunno what to do b/c this is affecting us very much. I am leavign tom for 2 weeks and was wondering how can i fix myself so that i do trust her, no matter how bs her stories r. So let me know what to do or even give me advise. i dunno what all of this is asking for, but i just want us to be better.

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Trust is a HUGE part of any relationship, and I don't blame you for not trusting her when she lies. Pathological liers need theropudic help, so encourage your girlfriend to seek a counsoler.


Another part of your post that is worrisome: You say she makes you feel "like a jerk"....but you're not doing anything wrong. You're worried about her, and the relationship...she is being manipulative.


From my perspective, this girl isn't worth it. Use your two weeks away from her to take a breather and reflect on whether you love her or just the security of your 9 months together.


Good luck!

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