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if you ruined the relationship?

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What's your guys opinion.I was dumped which was totally my fault (lying on separate occasions ).been I'm no contact but ex contacted me and have been hanging out recently.it's been going well sometimes she brings up the past.since I ruined it should I be available for her.I know when you get dumped you should play less available and cool but since I messed it up it's my turn to fix it right? I feel like putting in 110% and nit getting much in return.thanks for the advice guys

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I'm so confused.she's taking me on a date next week. All on her she said she'll treat me.I don't get it


There isnt anything to get. This girl is making you her doormat! Stop letting her do it! Tell her thanks for the offer but you don't want to go on a date with her.


You are like a magpie and she just keeps dangling shiny things (not literally - its a metaphor) infront of you so you keep coming back! STOP the cycle, cut her off, go no contact and move on!

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Heck, just for the sake of adding a different point of view.

I say go on the date, see how she behaves. Don't go with the aim of fixing anything. Don't boast unnecessarily or agree with everything she says.


Be yourself. Simple yeah? It may be harder than you think.

You have been made aware of the risks of where this may lead. Consider yourself forewarned and armed with good advice to help you understand some behaviours of an Ex ...if/when you post a de-brief on here

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