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Met up with the ex last night after not having spoken or seen eachother for nearly 6 months!


I was so nervous it aint even funny but, to my surprise, it went really well. We met up for a quick coffee (45 minutes) and just chatted and had a bit of a laugh... there seemed to be some kind of spark there still which was interesting! She was a few minutes late as she had gone home first and came all freshly done up - then again, anyone would do that I suppose! I decided to make it short and said that I had to go so we said our goodbyes which was nice! It was as if we had not been apart from eachother really... there was some kind of pull there!


We broke up initially due to her confusion which resulted in her going back to her ex which didnt work out and now, as far as i know, she is single. I would like to catch up with her again but dont want to seem as though I want anything... I would like to be friends and see where that leads!


Not sure what my next step should be! Should I just wait until after Xmas/New Years and ask her for a coffee etc? Or should I wait for her to get in touch?


Anyone been through the same thing?[/url]

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We had been in minimal email contact and I had the feeling she was ready to meet up - I shot her a text and she agreed to the meet up! In the past I had tried and she said 'no' each time but for some reason I knew she'd say yes this time - previously she had been seeing people but I think she is currently single, hence, no probs in meeting up!


As for the break-up it was mutual as there were so many issues in her life at the time!


Not sure of my next step - will send her an Xmas card and leave it at that I think until the New Year... or should I try something else?

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Man, I wish things were that simple for me. When my ex g/f broke up that was it, said she wanted to be friends but never called, and i still miss her in some ways...anyway i digress.


Perhaps you should look at the whole situation, as this is a tough one to call. She was seeing other guys, then all of a sudden shes single and wants to see you? It could go either way- either she's realised she still likes you, OR she's sizing you up for a rebound.


I say go for it, but go in initially as a friend- hold off on the serious stuff. Try to see her again for coffee whenever you think it would be convenient, (maybe try before new years), and if there's still a spark try to set up a regular get together (say meet once a fortnight or so, again its whatever's convinient (see her more/less whatever). You need to get a feel for where she's coming from and this will only come through talking to her more, but dont get too close too quick. Then when you're sure you know what she wants use this to decide what you should do...

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Well it has been a week and a bit now since we met up. There has been no calling from either side which I am fine with! However, I did invite her to a New Years eve party which she seems very interested in coming too... which is kind of good! Not definite yet but if she does it may be a sign that we can at least be friends....


Will keep you all updated....

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