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Well ive posted here a few times before about my situation and it jus took a turn for the worse


Well basically i was goin out with this girl and she dumped me cos she ' wasent ready for a bf' (after we'd bin going out 4 3 months, but anyway) and so i left her and we were still friends. just recently i felt that she was warming towards me again, little things like she replied with a comment to one of those survey things that id sent a loads of people. I that cheered me up a bit .


So we had a party on sat and i was going to give her my xmas prezzie then. The prezzie was cd called the caroline collection that id been planning for a while but did want to give it to her but xmas gave me a good excuse. anyway she didnt turn up cos she was feelin ill so i gave it 2 one of her mates to give to her(we live a fair bit apart ,9.4 miles to b precise). Also she had got wind of this somhow and was asking me what it was but i refused and said shed have 2 go 2 find out. so from the impression i got what happed was that the person i gave it 2 forgot it, no big deal there should b anohther oppertunity. Then tonite i quiz the 'delivery person' about it and she tells me that she felt guilty about taking it cos she fancys sum1 else.


I think i heard her speak about him b4 but not like she fancyed him(there were a few i was slightly worried about thou but he wasent one of them). As far as im aware there not going out.


What should i do now?

Do i talk her and just let out how i feel? or jus keep quiet and hope it passes?



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after chatting to a mutal friend ive found out that she's fancied him for a while. well her reaction when i told her was 'still?'. so if they havent been going out then hopefully that means its not going anywhere and she might move on.


Also i sent her this text saying

Just got the message from steph. I understand y u dont want to accept it but please do just from 1 friend 2 another. There's no need 2 feel guilty, its only me. Love James xxx


Still no reply but she dosent often reply to txts because she says she dosent have any credit.


Thanks in advance

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definitely just wait it out. she is your age, right? she will probably like MANY guys and this one she fancies now will not be anyone special. if he doesn't like her anyway, she is just pining after him....and it sounds like that is the case.

also, there are probably MANY other special girls who are out there who would love to get gifts from you! that sounds like a really sweet thing you did--who wouldn't want that? only someone who is not strong enough in themselves to see how great you are!

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she is your age, right?


Yea she is

she will probably like MANY guys and this one she fancies now will not be anyone special. if he doesn't like her anyway, she is just pining after him....and it sounds like that is the case.


True, she is a bit(well a lot) of a flirt so i guess shes bound 2. i'll jus have 2 hope that she like me again sumtime. [-o


also, there are probably MANY other special girls who are out there who would love to get gifts from you! that sounds like a really sweet thing you did--who wouldn't want that? only someone who is not strong enough in themselves to see how great you are!


Yea true its jus finding them thats the problem

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