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My girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me last weekend. She said she "wasn't sure about her feelings, felt that it was more like we were friends" and to cap everything off, she kissed another guy before breaking it off with me. Apparently, she had had these feelings since September, except she couldn't tell me anything. Right after she broke up with me though, she started dating this new guy. All my friends are just telling me to stay away from her, she'll come back to me begging and everything. But I'm not so sure. It's like, I hope she will, but I can't concentrate on anything else. I only think about her. And no, I did nothing that would've made her cheat on me. She admitted it to me herself, that it was never my fault. In any case, I did speak to her recently for a very long time (5 hours or so...) and found out that she wouldn't mind dating me again, but not right now. Hell, she's still with that new guy and everything. All my friends say it won't last, but I'm not sure anymore. She does, however, want us to remain friends, like we were way before we started dating. I just don't know what to do anymore. I love her with everything in my soul. I gave up moving away, fame, fortune, all for her. She stopped me from committing suicide more times than I can even count. But right now, I would do anything to get her back.


What do I do now? What should my next move be?

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the next step should be getting your life on track

i dont want to sound harsh i can guarantee your friends are gonna be getting tired of seeing you all wishy washy and down

the point is the girl cheated on you man, she lied to you, she broke your heart, statistically speaking there are technically more women then men in the world so just get your head up and straighten up

i know what its like to be in your shoes, ive been there before, but life goes on

and as for the suicide, cmon now you got one life to live so live the damn thing dont waste it because there are alot of people in this world that werent given that chance

so hold your head high, take life one step at a time, and time will heal your wounds, there are plenty of women in the world and i know youll find one

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First off,don't do anything crazy.How old are the two of you?..Sometimes when people have been together a long time,you get to thinking about what it would be like to be with someone else.It's better to find out now than wait till you get married for her to discover she 's not sure how she feels.That is if you're old enough and have talked about marriage.One thing you must not do is chase after.You can let her know you still care for her.I think you should move on with your life now.Maybe if she sees you are moving on,and dating other girls,she will realize she still loves you.I hope she comes back to you but if she don't you will have to deal with it, all through life there things we have to deal with And we have to learn to make the best out of a bad situation.Good luck!!

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I totally understand where you're coming from. My (god I can't believe I'm writing this) ex-fiance cheated on me once but we worked through it, or I thought we did. She just broke off the engagement after being together for almost 2 years and even though she's already with another guy, all I can think about is "how do I win her back?"



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u gave up fame and fortune for her, wow now thats commitment n i hate women who cant love us for something like that because im in the same situation (more a less) n its a killer. best thing i can say is keep your head up high n if u wanna talk feel free to PM me



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Hah, right now all I can think about is the pure blind truth. It most probably is over with her. I wouldn't mind going out with her again of course. I'd probably do it the second she came back to me and asked if we could...who knows. What I know for sure though, is that I need to meet new female friends. You know the type. The ones that'll give you advice about stuff like this, the ones who will give you small compliments. Because if I know one thing, it's that after getting dumped, a guy's ego has been totally demolished. My confidence and self esteem have been shot to hell. Can't wait for christmas vacation...Amazing thing though, I actually think that being friends with her could be possible, although I do want a relationship with her. What do you think? Should I just not see her, or continue to hang out with her...even if she does have a new "boyfriend" AkA Rebound guy...Also, is it a sure thing that she'll try to come back to me like everyone says?

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