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she like me, or just really trust me


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well i've been friends with this girl for 3 years and as far as contact has gone she's never had a way to contact me and vice versa, until recently when she got the net at her house, then we started talkin online a lot. well before i go any futher she says that she "likes" some guy at her school, but then after she met him she told me " I don't find him attractive anymore, i don't get butterflies or anything". but she still talks to him, as far as i know. well with that out of the way here's what leads me to believe she might actually have a crush on me. well when it comes to talking ( the time she can get online/ call me, her parents are kinda strict eventhought she's a couple months from 18) anyways she'll say she can only talk long enough to say hi, but then it ends up being like an hour long conversation atleast, sometimes shorter if she's getting yelled at, longer if she's not sleepy. and we talk about just about everything under the sun. also whenever she has a problem or she's feeling sad she'll just call me up, because i always make her laugh and cheer her up. also she has told me many things that no one else knows, and she'll compliment me about how i'm "such a gentlemen" or how i'm talented or how funny i am etc etc. well anyways the other night she was really upset, and was talkin about that guy she did like and why she just finds it hard to blow him off, but she said something that was kinda strange and it was "The thing that worries me the most about all this, is what you think about me, i don't want you too judge me" and i just told her that i wasn't, but, not even my ex would say that to me, so that's what made me think that maybe she wants to be more than friends with me. also i asked if her and him have a deep conversation, and all she replied to me "nothing like what i tell you" i mean she's very pretty and i actually did have a lil crush on her back in highschool, but i forgot aobut it until we started talking again, and i found out how much in common we had. there is other stuff that she did, like when she was bored on her break she'd leave me voice mails saying "hey i was bored at work and thought i'd say hi" and what not. also she seemed excited about every activity i suggest we could do, also we hung out a few days ago, and we had coffee (she doesn't like coffee, but she still drank one anyways). well that's about it. lemmie know what you think

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I think you're reading into this too much. The stuff I bolded above from your text are the bits of info you've given that lead me to believe that she just considers you a friend. A major red flag is the fact that she talks to you about a guy she likes. She also calls you whenever she has a problem or is feeling sad? I hate to say it bud, but a girl that likes a guy won't call him to be a shoulder to lean on. In fact, she'll try to refrain from getting into those subjects until the long term relationship has been established. Right now it seems like she just considers you a friend, and you're confusing her friendly behavior with something more. It's not impossible for this friendship to turn into more, but based on what you've told us, her behavior is characteristic of how a girl would treat her male friend.

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Hi there,

I think that the only way you will know how she feels about you is if you keep on taking her out. What I don't like is the fact that she talks to you about this other guy. I would be worried that she will at some point put you against him and because she seems to lack strong will ( she wont stop talking to him even though she claims not to like him much) you will be hurt and anxious about this... and want something more...while she is still not ready.


Be careful not to give your heart to this girl just yet. Spend time with her, treat her nice and get to know her. I feel she may be a bit immature still, sorry, and not ready to have something more with you yet. Just be her friend, but don't limit yourself just to her. Date other girls, if she likes you then she will react to this and you will know if there is something more here.


Good luck

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