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What novels do you feel transtioned to the big screen the best?


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@ happybear I never read Les Miserables but I did watch and enjoy the movie too.. I basically watched it for Hugh Jackman's performance I wasn't to impressed with Russell Crowe though, you?



Russell Crowe isn't the best singer, even though he fronts a band. But apparently that is why the director cast him, they wanted someone who didn't have great singing ability as compared to the rest of the cast because his character, Javert, is the bad guy, and they wanted the audience to not like him.


YOu shoudl read the novel...though it's huge. 1000+ pages. But man, the characterization is amazing, and he went into this huge description of the battle at Waterloo that was so engrossing I couldn't stop reading and was almost late for work.

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  • 3 weeks later...
@ALovingKitten - In all three cases, I read the books after seeing the movie. Never got into twilight. But I've read Harry Potter series and it's also a great film adaptation.


I am currently doing that with my current book saw the movie and loved it saw the book when at the bookstore and got it. (Julie & Julia) Do you have a favorite out of the Harry Potter series?

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Russell Crowe isn't the best singer, even though he fronts a band. But apparently that is why the director cast him, they wanted someone who didn't have great singing ability as compared to the rest of the cast because his character, Javert, is the bad guy, and they wanted the audience to not like him.


YOu shoudl read the novel...though it's huge. 1000+ pages. But man, the characterization is amazing, and he went into this huge description of the battle at Waterloo that was so engrossing I couldn't stop reading and was almost late for work.


Omg. Crowe has a band in real life and he is the lead singer for it? *shocked face* I think the directors plan worked. I didn't enjoy Crowe at all.


I think that novel would be great to read on a long overseas flight where you are forced to sit and get deeply involved for along period of time otherwise I don't know if I could get myself into it far enough to keep reading. Did it take you awhile to finish or you can quick read even novels of that length?

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I am currently doing that with my current book saw the movie and loved it saw the book when at the bookstore and got it. (Julie & Julia) Do you have a favorite out of the Harry Potter series?


Hmm, that's a good question!


I guess I would say the Half-Blood Prince (book 6). A major loss at the end, but I LOVED learning more about Snape and his motivations. Plus I now have a special place into my heart for Snape and Lily.


Which book did you like the best in the series?

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The Game of Thrones books. I think the translation from the books to the series is reaaally good; the first couple seasons are pretty spot on. There WERE some situations where the show deviated from the book, though (Robb's wife!), and I'm interested to see how they'll handle the errors those little deviations might cause...

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