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How to read her


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Thi woman whom I'm attracted to does the following two things, can the ladies please answer , or any guys with similar experiences: When we are at a distance she will very often steal very quick glances at me, when we are close and talking she looks at my lips quite a lot...in fact so much it causes me to smile!...any clues here ppl???

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i am not too sure abt that. coz for me i do that to guys who lie, just love to see how they gurgle words.


that could a sign of disinterest also, when things get boring and the person talks too much, i also read lips as well.


oh well, when do u read lips also? can u recall? can u also share with me?

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I look at a ladies lips when im thinking about how good it would br to be kissing them.I think i also read this somewhere before.Also this particular lady has been giving me quick glances for sometime.Also she will sometimes look at me for long periods..ie about 3secs...she touches her lips when we're alone and plays with her hair...any clue??

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Ok , what else do u want us to say??? YES, she IS attracted to u. Those are clear signs that she's interested in u. I'm a female, and I only do that kind of things when I'm attracted to someone. I think u are obsessed with that woman, so I suggest u try to be more objective because u might be seeing what u want to see.

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Sounds like she likes you, any other clues?



Well......I noticed her pupils were dilated when we last spoke and it was in a lightly lit room but i dont know how accurate that might be.Her signals seem quite mixed at times.She sometimes folds her arms when we talk but I notice she often does that whatever she's doin anyway. We frequent the same...shall we say classroom for want of a better word and you can sit anywhere you like.She nearly always sits directly behind me.Yesterday she was thumping the floor with her feet and I could feel the beat through the floorboards. She seems to fidget and rock back and forth a lot,,,maybe she's naturally fidgety? But I really dont know what to think.I DO see all these things but im unsure they really mean anything.

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I think you're reading into this too much. You need more clear-cut signs. I don't think a person looking at your lips when you talk means anything - it's more like a natural reaction. You need something more concrete, like her touching you a lot, trying to be around you as much as she can, etc. That's what you need.

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I look at mens lips and teeth because I find it sexy. I love a man with a plump bottom lip, and if he has a nice full mouth, strong jaw and good teeth, nothing turns me on more. So in short, yes, I think she's interested.

Well I have been told i have a nice looking mouth...er...not by blokes though...lol

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