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Starting to travel but unaware


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Hi All,


This travel thing is new to me. I only recently started to travel. I went to New England a short time ago. It was beautiful but too quick. It was more a business affair rather than relaxing. I will go again on have no schedule on me. That was my first time out of my state and my first plane ride. I am in my early forties. Yeah, it's time to change that.


I am planning to go to New Orleans with a friend in the next few months. We have never been there. We do want our own rooms and are driving there. We wil be sharing the main expenses gas and lodging. Price ranges would be nice if possible.


So, where to stay, where not to? A B&B or hotel? I'd like to know your experiences and new discoveries. Places that are a must see and to avoid.


This would really help. This is new to me and very exciting!

Thank you

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