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NEW and need HELP


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I am new to these forums, i hope you can help.


I go to college, where last year i met this girl that lived on my floor ... over the course of the year we became good friends. This year, about two months ago, we both broke up from our g/f's and b/f's because of the distance of the college from home. As this year went on, I began having stronger feelings for. So i talked to her roomate, whom ive known since gade school. And she told me that one day she (the girl) pulled her (roommate) aside and told her that she starting to fall for me, and that she always talks about me when im not around.


I can susspect that she does like me, for when other guys that like her try to take her out or do something with her, that she does not like, she doesnt want to be alone, so she usually has me around. I spend a lot of time in her room hanging out and stuff, we usually have alot of fun. Last week at a party i left early, and she kept blaming it on herself...telling her friend that i left cause she knows i like her. Im sure she's figured out that i like her....she's not stupid. She is pretty flirty with me, but also towards other people .. but when she looks at me its different...


so my question for all of you is: Should I talk to her and tell her how i feel about her..if so what are some things i should do. (im kinda new at this i guess, my last relationship was from high school for 3 yrs.). Please help.

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You'd be surprised at how many relationships are initiated without an exchange of "feeling declarations." Just show her that you like her by openly flirting with her, touch her, tease her, and just have fun with her. If she feels the same, she'll respond to you and you're in.

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if i were you I would take her out and just do stuff together with eachother. Ex dinner, movie, hanging out etc. Start getting more touchy like touching eachothers hands. Stairing into eachothers eyes for a 3-4 sec. Later on you should let her know that you like her. But from what you are saying here she likes you and u like her. I think before you tell her u like her u need to actually show her that you like her. She is STARTING to fall for you right? Let her fall a bit more. Start doing more stuff together and start getting with the hand touching, look into eachothers eyes etc.

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