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I will never, ever, get somebody to love


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In the last weeks I have been dating a girl from my faculty... Last night we both went to a punk/hc concert... It went good until the moment when she said that she'd go jump & have fun at the stage, ok, I decided to go there too... She wanted me to dance with her, so I did it, but I was so upset that I could'nt even move my feet, so we just played a bit with each other slowly rubbing each other ...


But then she decided to dance with some guys from our course... So I was now left alone and I went to the nearby smoking room and smoked weed together with a load of other guys... But I must confess that weed makes me think of suicide, and that was actually the worst part of the night - I was again one of the guys who's sitting in a corner and looking at the other couples, and I'm filled with hate when I see couples...


So then the girl invited two other guys to her appartment to stay there until next morning, and I got angry because I had to ask her if I could stay in her appartment, because I was unable to get home that late... She started to ignore me and I couldn't even touch her anymore - what's wrong???


Then we stayed in her appartment, she played cards with the other guys, and she didn't even looked at me, I was so depressed, like never before, I nearly started to cry...


In the next morning as I was already away from her appartment, I wrote an SMS asking what I had done wrong, and she answered that she's sorry for hurting me like this, because she knows that I'm in love with her, and then she told that she's egoistic and likes to do what she wants...


Actually that was the billionth time that a girl says that I should stay away from her in the future, but this time it was more painful than ever...


I just can't live with the feeling that no girl ever wanted me to be her bf, they just go out with me to waste their time, why do they act like they like me and then I always get a painful "let's just be friends" message...


I hate my life, I wish I had stayed there, smoking weed and getting drunk...

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For starters you could quit smoking weed altogether. You're going to have a harder time attracting a girl who will want you despite the fact that you still smoke weed. I think that it was good that she told you all of that because now you can move on instead of wondering whether you could have her. But I was kind of confused by your post because I'm not sure if you meant to say that she does not want to be any more than friends or what. It sounds like you may need to move on though. Don't smoke weed and get drunk because of this if you can help it. It just won't help.

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Move on, man. This girl is just not for you. You don't want a girl telling guys to stay overnight in her apartment. My suggestion to you is to move on and find a better, more decent girl who will value you for who you are and not throw in your face that she's an egotistical moron. If I had been in your shoes, I would not have written a message asking her what I had done wrong - that shows weakness - but that's okay. Don't waste anymore time on her and quit the weed. It's only going to make you worse in the long run.

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Quit smoking weed! If you're trying to find a woman to love you and to settle down with you, take that as a first step. Also, think about this, if you want a woman to fall in love you, how can she if you don't love yourself?? Take that as the second step. Work on respecting yourself and realizing that you are worth a lot. This girl doesn't deserve you. She sounds like she's easy if she's bringing home all of these men. I agree with DoubleJ, you should not have shown signs of weakness. Now it's too late....just keep that in mind next time! Hang in there!



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You know what? Something tells me that your wearing your emotions on your sleeve. You're making it hella obvious that you like a girl, and since you're problably a pretty cool guy, they'll go out with you a few times. I'm sensing however that you're laying it on a little thick with emotions and that SCARES EM OFF!!! My theory( and I don't care if its not original) is that women like a challenge. People like to say, just be you, just do what you do, but you know what I say? Screw em, if your technique doesn't give you the results you desire, try another one and another one until you figure out what works. You can't let these ladies know how much you like em so soon!! Be outgoing, friendly, funny, intelligent, and flirtatious around them... THEY DO IT WITH YOU!! You were probably pouting at the show, and if I was a woman, I'd be completely turned off! Now about smoking weed: If it makes you feel that way, why do it? I smoke, and it doesn't affect my ability to attract the opposite sex. I believe its not for everybody, all the time. If it affects your life negatively, Why????

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