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how can i move on & what is up with him??

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i'm new here and i have two questions to ask. i need help =|


well a few months ago i started seeing this guy and we started hanging out constantly and calling each other constantly. then he didn't call me for a whole week. then he calls me after that week telling me hes okay and he was worried about me n stuff. then about a few weeks ago from today i call him and he's not available and i just sat around and waited for him to call me back and he never called me back so basically he left me hanging. i mean he just came out of a long relationship with someone and we both told each other we liked each other, and i also told him not to rush i know that he just got out of a relationship and to just take ur time. well from that night that we told each other we liked one another i haven't heard from him since... he hasn't bothered to call me or anything. but i see him around every now and then. whats up with him? or how can i move on and forget about it all. this is stressing and i dont need any more stress than what i have already =x haha i just wanna know preferably from a guys opinion what he thinks is up with him. thanks =)

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Hi Pal,

I know it is very bad of him to have keep u guessing all the way thru the time u are waiting for him to be ready for a new relationship. And i hope i dun sound harsh in this, he probably might be in need of a friendship then, was in a form of rebound relationship with u.

So as to speak, if u wan to know the answer, it is best that u ask, or observe his behaviour whenever he sees u, coz that might be the answer. And YES!! be prepared for the worst, he would may have patched up with that ex of his or had moved on so much that he forgets abt u.

What i can truly advise is to stay focus innerly of wat u wan in life, there is no point in STAYED HUNG as he HAD HUNG U UP. So, pray as u can and have to, God above understands.


Thanks for reading and MAY JESUS bless u

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My advice is to give him space, if he's just come out of a long term relationship then he will be confused. If you and he are good friends, be his friend and be supportive of him etc. This is what girls like, my last girlfriend and I fell in love while she was with her fiancee, we had admitted we were in love and she ultimately left him for me. This is not that disimilar to your stituation, because when she was breaking up with him, I backed of and concentrated on just being a great and suppotrive friend and not pushing her, it worked because she came to me. Hope you get on OK.

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I agree with sdw. It sounds like he has not made a clean break with his ex. You need to give him space and let him figure out which direction he is going in on his own. He knows your feelings and intentions, and it is clear that you have touched him on an emotional level. If you try to force the issue you will likely push him away.


Hang tough, it will be hard, but if you and he were meant to be together you will wind up with a stronger relationship because of how you handled this. If he winds up with someone else then it is best that you did not get too involved and can walk away with your dignity and self esteem intact.


Focus on you. Lean on family/friends for support. Post here if you have to, but try to give him as much space as possible.


Good luck.

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