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Everything posted by oO_ashie

  1. thanks guys =) dont stop posting after this just cuz i posted doesn't mean ya'll gotta stop telling me your opinions. you all have helped a lot. right now i'm trying to focus more on me. hopefully i'll keep your suggestions in mind while doing so lol.
  2. i'm new here and i have two questions to ask. i need help =| well a few months ago i started seeing this guy and we started hanging out constantly and calling each other constantly. then he didn't call me for a whole week. then he calls me after that week telling me hes okay and he was worried about me n stuff. then about a few weeks ago from today i call him and he's not available and i just sat around and waited for him to call me back and he never called me back so basically he left me hanging. i mean he just came out of a long relationship with someone and we both told each other we liked each other, and i also told him not to rush i know that he just got out of a relationship and to just take ur time. well from that night that we told each other we liked one another i haven't heard from him since... he hasn't bothered to call me or anything. but i see him around every now and then. whats up with him? or how can i move on and forget about it all. this is stressing and i dont need any more stress than what i have already =x haha i just wanna know preferably from a guys opinion what he thinks is up with him. thanks =)
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