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took her virginity away.

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Well, just got back from my girls house, and if you've been reading my posts i had problems taking her virginity away. Well i did it tonight, of course her parents were not home. I sure she wanted me to take it. She said it hurts but i told her that it will pass with more experiance. I just hope she dosen't get addicted to sex.She seems to be commited to me though. Thanks for everyones help on this 4 week subject.

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I just hope she dosen't get addicted to sex.


Why are you worried about that? I remember when I lost mine, not only did I become addicted.. I always wanted MORE MORE MORE. My husband could not keep up with me and I was older than your girl.


Good luck and take some vitamins. You might need them later on..jk

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Well you made the step and let's hope the decision was indeed the right one and was at the right moment in this relationship because you've now entered uncharted waters. Now comes the hard part of balancing the romance and love in your relationship with the sex. I wish you all the best of luck and goodwill.

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Oh, comon saying unless i raped her. Thats messed up, if you have read my pervious posts i waited 4 days from the day she asked me in thinking about weather to have sex with her. Err, you sound like your mad because i did this, if its what makes her happy than im happy.

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I'm not mad at all. It just sounded like you felt guilty for "taking" it. I was simply saying that there was no reason to feel guilty because you didn't TAKE anything. I did not mention rape as an accusation -- I mentioned it because that is the ONLY way to "take" someone's virginity.

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