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Hello, my name is JoyieGracie, and I'm addicted to eNotAlone.com.

This forum just draws you in because as you read other peoples posts you think: "I know exactally how you feel", or "I've been in that situation before," or you even see posts that you can even relate to, but give you perspetive. You also see posts like this one where you say, "wow, that's a stupid thing to post." But anyway, thanks to everyone who helped me out a little bit. This forum is real great and I'm glad I found it....


I was just wandering who else, ermm, is really glad they found this site....



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I'm an addict too. I spent all day today in a comupeter lab on campus typing a paper due tomorrow, and i still had enotalone open in the background so i could read posts. I like having the chance to help people, and i like that i actually can make a difference to someone once in a while, it helps me feel good about myself.



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Hello, my name is ShySoul and I'm an eNotalone addict. (hi shysoul )


Seriously, this is a good place. It nice to know people are willing to take the time to help others out. And it helps people see that they truly aren't alone, that others go through the same problems as they do. Keep up the good work everyone.

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I usually dont and i have never ever did have anything to do with forums, but when i saw this site, i actually started to spent a really good amount of my time at enotalone, I really love this site, people are sooooo nice they have helped me MORE THAN MY friends, these people here are really nice, i love you all!!, people have helped me with any kind of problem i had, i only replied to some posts, i am just too afriad to say something wrong i dont wanna say something that will not work, but i Appreciate every ones posts and help enotalone ROCKS!!!!!

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I'm addicted to eNotAlone.com.


eNotalone : No definatly not


XboxScene : Thats a different matter, theres addiction then there's XboxScene


yea, its a nice program, since im new to college this program has been helpful.


It's not a program, it's just a whole load of PHP scripts smacked together usingan SQL database that ppl refer to is as a program


Its a scripting language not a compilable ( it is but at heart it's scripting )



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yes, this is the most addictive forum I have ever been to!


Although now I'm starting to cool off a bit. I think I had about 100 posts in my first week. But now I've read so much and a lot if it is kind of repetitious, also I don't think I am the best person to be giving out advice!!


the addictive thing about this forum is that it is about real life! Not a game, sport or technical issue. These are real situations!

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Are these hands high enough?


Well only been here a few months but have found it something i check into several times a day. MOderated very well and for the most part everyone seems to care which is rare this is old world.


It has in some ways been eye opening for me... but i would hate to know i had to give it up...


Made some very dear friends.... so for that i'm very thankful!

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