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There is this guy that I like. We flirt with each other, although I am very shy and find it difficult to give off any signals. Anyway, I moved away and lost touch with him. However, mutual friends told me that he was dating this girl who not only looks like me but also that we have the same job/career, too. I'm not sure if that is just a coincidence. Anyway, I think they broke up. I just wanted to know whether it was just a coincidence? I am going back to see my parents and will probably bump into him....not sure whether he still likes me and what I should do. It's been over a year.

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it may well be a strange coincidence dont expect too much of it lots of people die of the wrong expectation ;D.


when you get home and bumbp into him just say hi how you been, or hi just checking, the most honest thing you can say.


Thanks Yamajii89. Think I'm just worried he has forgotten me or moved on with his life, after a year

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Thanks Yamajii89. Think I'm just worried he has forgotten me or moved on with his life, after a year


ah its fine you shouldnt be worried, you should be excited, when you say " hi" BTW, say it without any intentions except a friendly one, and "hi"is good because its honest and you can go on talking from there, if he dosent remember you just remind him, it maybe the way to bring back memories, meaning you can have more to talk about.

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