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I still miss her a lot after 2.5 months. She seemed to move on pretty quickly. When I spoke to her she told me how happy she is blah blah blah. I just still miss her and it hurts. I just can't stopped thinking about her. I just don't understand how she move on so quickly. The relationship was pretty serious as well. As of now she just hangs out with her "best friend" whom she wasn't too fond of when we were dating. Once we broke up its like she went running to this friend. I guess I'm just looking for answers I will never in a million years find. I guess I feel like she has changed so much in such a short time. I guess I just still love her but clearly those feelings are no longer mutual.

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Yeah man.....


Dumpers usually have been gearing up for the dumping waayyy before they actually do it.......


it's learning how to spot this posturing for dismissal before they drop the actual bomb so you can beat em to the punch......

I've learned alot over the last 2 years with an ambivalent GF, once I spot those tell-tale signs of distancing and preparing to bail, I'll simply drift away with no explanation at all, because if ya wait aroeund, that's all the dumper will do anyway......


I'm for pre-emptive strikes here folks.......

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2.5 mos.. still pretty fresh. You'll keep re hashing the reminders and pain if you try to keep up with her life etc.

Dont do this.. it'll only torment you more. You're already in pain of this loss- dont make it worse.

Work on letting go- which will take a bit of time, as you're hurting and trying to asses the damages.

Loss is never easy but it is time for you to turn away. Leave everything about her behind you. Now it is time to work on YOU. Work on accepting what's happened. work on healing and looking ahead again, into your future.


One day at a time. I know, it is NOT easy but try to look away from her direction now...


Stick with us.. we understand.. and you're not alone.



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