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friend or more?

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alrite, Im 16 and lyk a girl who is also 16 but in the year above (or grade in america). we play b-ball a lot and been friends for bout month but I started to get the idea she is thinking different. two examples r whenever I get picked for her team in b-ball she gets relli excited and another is in the corridor she starts staring at me a lot. I feel relli awkward asking her out coz i get mixed signals.


probs the answer is to take the plunge and ask her out sumtime and see how it goes. lol soz to be depressing. also an issue is is it wrong for a younger boy to go out wit a girl in the year (or grade) above? One last thing is that maybe I shud go for a girl my own age, coz i feel that people will look on her and saym 'oi look, its that girl thats goin out wit that year 11!'


Gud thing to spark off convo I hope! Fire away.

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so you're in year 11, she's in the first year of 6th form right??? Well, i'm in year 12, one of my friends had a very long term relationship with a guy in year 10, which was sweet, none of our friends were horrible, and one of my male friends in now going out with a girl two years older.


So ask her out, if she says no, she says no, but you don't get a chance if you don't try.


hope i've helped

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Ask her straight out. Or you could talk to her but not actually make it sound like you want to know who... Just ask her who she likes, dont ask her if she likes you if you dont feel comfortable. If all things go good then ask her out to the movies some time. Oh yeah and age gaps shouldnt concern you. Whats age got to do with a relationship? If she likes you and you like her, then nothings stopping you...


Good luck!

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I don't think there's any problem in asking out a girl who's older than you. In 9th grade, my friend asked out a girl who was in 11th grade, and they had a great relationship for over a year...they decided to end it though because they both knew she was going to be going to college miles away and they didn't want to be held down. I thought it was a smart move. They're still very very close friends, though.


But I'd say go for it...the worst she can say is no, and even if she does, there are plenty more fish in the sea.

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