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Give me some advice people....

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Hi guys, I just want some advice on what to do....


I've been going out with this girl on about 5 lunch, dinner, shopping and movie dates...


As I said before, I really like her, but she seems very contradictory in the way she feels towards me...


I call her a lot, but she has never called me even once and has only twice intitiated contact over email saying she couldn' t make it for a date. Everytime it is me who asks her out...


During the stuvac exam period, I had a date organised with her....she emailed me saying she needed more time to study....then later when I called, she asked me to go out with her friends on a different day (so I assume she is not 'busy' for her friends, but is too busy for me). This was during the exam period, where her excuse for not going out with me was because she was 'studying'....so quite contradictory...actually more like LYING to me coz she said she was busy for exams. Also during our dates, she gives me very mixed feelings...on one side she flirts a lot with me when she talks to me...and shows she does like me, but on the other, she hasn't even touched me...now I'm beginning to think she is just playing hard to get, not intersted or just playing with me. I'm also confused because she says she likes spending time with me, but yet she doesn't go out very much with me...


So yeh...seems to me she is not interested in anything past a friendship. Another thing is that I once went out with her best friend....but I don't know if that is a problem because we are all still good friends.


I am going out with her next week...and I was considering telling her how I feel about her. If she says 'no', that's ok coz I can move on....but if she says 'yes' - I will have trouble building a relationship because she is going overseas for 2 months for a vacation (summer holidays here in southern hemisphere). Do you think it is better I wait till she comes back from her vacatoin first? She also said she'll be intersted in taking dance classes with me as my partner when she returns....


so confused on what to do and just don't know how to interpret all this...


Plz give me advice


Thanks guys and girls

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It might be nice to get some concrete understanding of her feelings for you before she leaves for two months. I know that would be like torture if she says she likes you too and then you just have to wait, but it's better than being in the dark the whole time; and besides, if she says no then you can at least relax for the two months instead of feeling like crap for not saying anything before she left.

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STOP CALLING HER ALOT daamn dude do that and shell leave you NOT SMART if you wanna let out your feelings for her just make-out, head, sex whatever, just stop calling her its not a positive effect to call everyday, and she thinks "well he must have no life he calls me like everyday"

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Sounds like a few things, either one is your justa friend and she totaly doesn't get that you have stronger feelings for her. umm anothe rpossibility is (and dont take this the wrong way) she might thing you gay, you know wanting to do dance lessons with you, likes spending time but hasnt touched you, doesnt knwo how u feel, u know, she might just think ur a reall good friend...or like a girlfriend, gay!. so i say either confront her before she leaves and tell her to think about it while shes gone (but 2 motnhs is a long time) or have e-mail and msn convos with her while she is gone and let her know how u feel more with those, so when she gets back u can hook up.

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Personally it just sounds like she is playing it smart, guys should make aes anyway. And she may have just had to study that one day but had already made an outing with her friends, I think you should just start to tell her a little how your feeling, most likely she doesn't call you for 2 reasons: 1 you call a lot so no reason too. and 2 some girls really want the guy to do all the calling and stuff to show how you feel and let her know that you like her. Sounds good to me.

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