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My mom doesnt like my gf...it really pisses me off

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my girl is upset beacause my mom doesnt like her... she didnt even met her yet! she just heard some rumors about my gf and starts to make up a bad image about my girl... fukin pisses me off litteraly!!! how can i make my mom like my gf (and i dont wanna get into a fight with my mom)...

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I can tell you from experience here... Be upfront and straight with your mother. Find out what she's heard, and find out what she thinks. She needs to know that you need her to support you, no matter what she thinks or what she's heard. My mother and I had a knock-down drag-out once over a girl I was seeing. Ultimately, she came around and realized that she needed to support me as her son, even if she didn't agree with what I was doing or who I was seeing. It actually changed the whole relationship between my mother and me. The girl and I ended up splitting up, but the lessons learned were invaluable!

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