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I need a piece of advice!

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I would like to know(and I think I'm not the only one) how can I make a move on a stranger... for example... I see a girl on the street... she's very good looking... no one of my friends knows her and I want to make her my girflriend(well at first I would like to talk to her because I don't like stupid ppl). I just don't know how to do this...and when I think that every day lots of beautiful girls I don't know pass by me... please try to help me. Thanks.

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Well... wacha gotta do when your with your friends and you see a girl you like, tell one of your least shy friends to ask the girl if she would be willing to talk to you, then have him point to you from a distance, when he comes back and tells you what she said you either walk over and start a convo or walk away. By the end of the conversation when she says "I gotta go" tell her you really enjoyed talking and would like to get together again sometime. Ask for her phone number, or a screen name in which you could get her number again. Now wait two days and call her, or IM her so you dont seem desperate... ask her how she is and what she did the past two days so you actually have something to talk about. Then ask her out to someplace. Before you start getting close find out if she already has a boyfriend... I hope that helps a lil bit, good luck

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