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Lost, confused with no clue what to do.


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I have cheated on my husband in the past and now we have decided to get a divorce. I am so lost and confused. I am 22 and we have a 3yo daughter. I don't have family in the state I live in with my (soon to be ex) husband and daughter so I will have to move out of state back with my mother till I get back on my feet. I just currently lost my job so I do not have the option to stay in the same state as my (soon to be ex) husband and daughter and get my own place. The thought of divorce is frightening, I don't know what I should be doing to prepare or ready myself. My head is spinning with so many questions that I can't even verbalize.

I don't want to get divorced but I am not mature enough to be in a stable relationship (I've ruined our relationship so badly that I don't even think there is such thing as redemption for myself)....it's still hard to even admit that. I have split my family and I feel so many things I have made myself go numb just so I am not crying or thinking so hard that I feel like my brain is going to start bleeding out of my ears.

I don't even know why I am writing this, I just don't know what else to do.


Confused, alone, cold, lost

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Awe... I feel you girl.. You are already pretty brave admitting your wrongs but remember it takes two to ending a relationship. It can't all be you I am sure your ex did things and it is only human to react The trick is learning how to react in a HEALTY way... You are taking your child with you right? That is only advise I am giving is DO NOT leave your daughter or your house/ apt. Good luck and come back if you nehed someone too talk too..

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