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hi. i am a 15 year old girl and i am bi. i have a problem with this woman i am crushing on . she is 22 and i am 15,it think she thinks the age difference between us is wrong and it wouldnt work out, i kinda feel the same way but it doenst seem wrong because we are only 7 years apart. people have even bigger age gaps than that. im not sure if it is wrong though. i dont plan on telling her that i like her but i just wanted to know if the age difference is wrong.

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While 7 years when you are older is not a big deal...it is when you are as young as you are..there are too many differences in maturity and life experiences. And if there was any sexual relationship between you two, she could find herself in trouble with the law as you are underage.


I think she is right in saying it would cause a lot of problems, and good for her for knowing that.


There are others out there for you closer to your age

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I agree with RayKay


Although it may suck in your case, you have to consider her position. "And if there was any sexual relationship between you two, she could find herself in trouble with the law as you are underage."


Sorry, but you should try to move on. It sucks that you can't be with who you want to, but it just isn't feasible at the time.

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I agree that 15 years of age is too young for a 22-year old. Of course, if you were 20 and she was 27, then there would be a different story. Someone else already said it: you're too different in maturity and life experience.


That would kind of be like me, dating a 15-year old girl. Something tells me that there would be far too many complications for it to go anywhere.

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