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Why wont he make a move?

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He flirts with me all the time. We car pool together to school. We talk about some private issues. He's said he likes me. He said I was pretty. He finds ways to touch me.


Why won't he just ask me out?


Guys that I have dated in the past, I pretty much had to tell them to ask me out. I'm sick of making the first move, and I'm wondering why guys wont just ask me out when they have a crush on me.

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lol your sick of it! If u were a guy u would be expected to ask everyone out/make first move, all the time for the rest of your life. The fact is your going to ask out less people than 90% of us guys will in our life, so count yourself lucky in that respect.


U question why he wont ask u out. In the year 2004, perhaps u can ask him out? Your sick of it though right? Perhaps he's sick of asking girls out and is hoping u will ask him?


From what u said though, Im not sure why he hasen't asked u out yet. Perhaps he's worried that u only see him as a friend and not more than that? Maybe he just needs more time. Or perhaps he isn't interested in more than being flirty friends?

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hmm i dont think you should think he thinks your his girlfriend already. well i think if you like him and if you think he likes you back, just ask him about it.


I've tried to ask him who he likes, and he won't tell me. My friend even asked if he liked me, and he told her "I can't tell you that."


I don't want to make the first move, becuase I've had to in the past, and I feel like if he doesn't ask me, he's not that interested. I am not sure if that's true, but I don't know what else to think.

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what did he say again when your friend asked if he like you?

he would have said no if he didnt like you. even ive used the "i cant tell you that" line. when i said it, it meant "im totally in love with her but i want to talk about it to her and her alone"

from my point of view its not a no.


looking for ways to hint that you like him?

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i asked the exact same thing

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you mentioned in your first post that you know he likes you...but does he know that you like him?


That's a big part of it..if a girl KNOWS I like her, but I don't know if she likes me, I'm not going to do anything. Since she knows, then the balls in her court as far as I'm concerned.


If he DOESN'T know you like him, I suggest you tell him.


If he DOES know...well then he's probably just really shy, or uninterested, in which case you should just talk to him.


Talking solves alot of problems...screw "hints", be mature and talk

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