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What makes her feel comfortable - I prefer just "plain" dressed girls. Dress up once in a while, but keep it casual.


I had a girlfriend once that wore all upscale stuff - channel sunglasses, vuitton purses, uggs, etc. She was my sugar momma for a while. Sure she had plenty of money, and attracted a ton of attention. She was just into labels, and was insecure as heck with little life skills. Strip her of money and the clothes and car she had, and she would have nothing going for her. Her parents gave her everything.

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Yeh, I am one of those people, just a male version of it.


I in fact hate that look now, my ex was all about the dressing up with the expensive clothing... I think its materialistic/boring and overused. Find your own style, do your own deal. I like just normal clothing that normal people wear, but have a couple nice things... but don't try too hard I guess you could call it. My current girlfriend doesn't wear makeup... which is awsome... and she looks gorgeous without it.


Clothing for girls like brands?... hmm I despise the Abercrombie stuff and AE stuff... I like.. just like Old navy pants with a nice top from somewhere expensive. I would say always mix cheap clothing with your expensive clothing, its always more interesting. Such as I like to wear jeans a t-shirt, and a blazer... just my style. Skirts are nice... I dunno i don't know what you look like, your budget, any of that. Perhaps tell us what what your willing to spend haha.



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I hate pants!! I like girls who wear skirts. I guess shorts are ok too.

Brands don't matter. The schoolgirl outift's always a big hit.



I don't really care about the style that much but I believe everybody should wear clothes that improve them. Even a little bit. Give me one reason why you wouldn't want to look better. I suppose some people don't care what they look like but you only live once, looking good feels good so have fun!!


I've been criticized for dressing too nicely but it grabs attention while the guy in the faded jeans and wrinkled t-shirt blends into the background.

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The answer will vary from guy to guy as each person has their own tastes. But it shouldn't matter what guys like. Wear what you like, what makes you feel good. If a guy is paying attention to you because of your clothes, that's not really a good thing. Guys should pay attention to you because of the person you are on the inside.

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When are people going to get the message? Your inside and your outside are not 2 separate entities. They are connected. Your inside controls (to an extent) the appearance of your outside. Your skin doesn't dress itself, your hair doesn't cut itself.


What I'm saying is that your appearance (clothes, etc) can, not always, but can tell a lot about the person you are inside. Or about your feelings.


For example: if I was going out on a first date with a girl and she showed up wearing a baggy sweatshirt, old jeans and messy hair, I would be wondering if she liked me at all! because I can't imagine anyone who is going out on a first date with someone they really liked who would not be spending a lot of time beforehand making themselves look good.

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I don't completely agree with the previous poster. As a guy at least, I don't dress up much. I like to be casual. When summer is here my outfit is the same all summer: flip-flops, shorts, shirt & sometimes visor. In winter, I rarely dress up. The last time I combed my hair was probably 4 years ago. I dress up when I have to pretty much, not to make myself feel better about myself. I already am comfortable with myself as a person.


Now, I don't look like scumbag and I attract girls quite a bit. It's not so much the clothes I wear, but how I carry myself. Fashion was never something that I was into as a person. Maybe my dress is "laid-back" and that reflects my personality? I'm not sure. I've been with a well diversified range of girls that are "casual dressed" and some that wear nothing but high-end designer brands. With these high end designer brand girls it's a girl with prada, gucci, vuitton, etc holding hands with me that is in gym shoes, jeans, & a shirt. An odd pairing one might say. But it's not so much what I wear, but how I feel about myself, and how the girl feels around me that is more important than the clothes I wear.


Just my 2 cents, but coming from a guy. If a girl was a slob, like you mentioned, then I would be turned off as you are. Hmm, double-standards? I'm not sure. Maybe it's just us guys that can get away with more. Personally, I can't stand the guys that are always dressed up like metro-sexuals. I do agree with you that clothes are more than just a matter of preference or how much cash you have to spend. But I do have cash to afford high-end cloth-products, but would never be caught alive in that stuff.

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Yes, how you dress can tell alot about a person, but it's not always clear what the message being sent is. Someone who dresses up may be doing so to give off a perfessional appearance, may just like the style, or they may be materialistic and superficial. Someone who dresses in baggy sweatpants and a old jeans may be a slob or may just prefer to go casual and not care about how or people views the way she dresses. The point is, you can't tell. Remember the saying, you can't judge a book by its cover. Clothes don't make the person, the person makes the clothes. So it's best to not worry about what a person is wearing and focus on their personality.


And if I'm going on a date with someone then it would be because I like who they are, their personality. I wouldn't judge how interested a person is in me by the amount of time they spend making themselves look good. In fact, I'd prefer the person come as she normally would dress so that I can get to know the girl she is normally, not the way she dresses or acts when she wants to impress people.

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haha this is going to sound weird but my b'f loves the whole catholic look ya kno the pleaded skirt wit the button down shirt and the knee high stockons n stuff like that he also likes skirts and belly shirts he loves thongs too haha i dont kno why thoo0...and my belly button which is pierced drives him cazy too but wut drives me crazy on him is his shoulders, his chest, that gorgeous six pack, and the ken doll lines the oness that sord of show u the way to his penis.. "the whole upper body"

and his tongue RING ahh its amazing and hes amazing with it haha hope i helpedd buh bye3~!

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haha this is going to sound weird but my b'f loves the whole catholic look ya kno the pleaded skirt wit the button down shirt and the knee high stockons n stuff like that he also likes skirts and belly shirts he loves thongs too haha i dont kno why thoo0...and my belly button which is pierced drives him cazy too but wut drives me crazy on him is his shoulders, his chest, that gorgeous six pack, and the ken doll lines the oness that sord of show u the way to his penis.. "the whole upper body"

and his tongue RING ahh its amazing and hes amazing with it haha hope i helpedd buh bye3~!

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ShySoul makes a good point. You can't judge a book by its cover. I'm a trendy person. I like to dress nice. But, it doesn't say much about me. It doesn't mean that I'm materialistic. In fact, that's the last word that describes me. I'm a huge bargain shopper! And, I dislike people who are always sooo stuck on this name brand crap. I'm Asian, and I notice that a lot of my counterparts, from where I live, tend to love Banana Republic, Armani, Ann Taylor, all of the name brand stuff, etc. They refuse to shop anywhere, but only at those stores. Yah, I like the fashion too, but I'm all about comfort. I don't buy a piece of grament just for it's label! That's stupid.


Nothing's wrong with a girl dressing stylish. And, I'm not into the Louie Vitton stuff either. I like shopping at Express. It's about as expensive that my cloths can get. If anything, I don't define my style of dressing to what others think is "cool." I wear whatever I want, and whatever I please. As long as it looks appropriate enough to be around kids/adults, then I'm fine with it!


Plus, I wouldn't change my style of dressing for a guy, either. My other ex, who was much older than me, whenever we went shopping, there were days in which he wanted me to buy these tops that were tight and cute (basically, it looked like a bra), but I didn't want to wear it. I told him: "if he wants to a hooker, then he can find one on Sunset Blvd." Other days, he wanted me to wear cloths from United Colors of Beneton, but I wouldn't. He even bought me a shirt from there. I only wore it once. That's what kinda bugged me about him. Sorry, but I didn't feel like being his little submissive barbie doll!


I say, dress according to what makes you feel more like you. Wear something that helps to bring out more of your own personality. It's a great feeling when you're just you, and don't give a crap about what people think. And, if someone's going to dislike you for whatever reason, and judge you for the way that you dress, then give them the finger, because they aren't worth your time! However, I must agree about dressing clean, and cleanliness. No one wants to date someone who walks around smelling like fart.

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