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getting back in the dating game?


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short and simple:


where do singles go to meet new people? where do single people go if they're looking to meet a new guy/girl?


i can't seem to find any new people; i go to malls, movies, plays and the occasional party with my friends but all i seem too see are couples or girls that aren't interesting (preppy rich girls) or wouldn't be interested in me.


any input is appreciated. thanks.

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Well there's really no place "singles" go but everywhere. You need to realize that you can meet a girl just about anywhere. I've met girls at the grocery store before, and that was really unexpected. You've already tried going to places were most people go, and you havn't found anyone, but that doesn't mean those places won't have someone for you eventually. Just keep yourself out, even just going out and walking around the city (like SF) and you never know when your going to bump into someone that could be a potential g/f. So don't give up, but don't look too hard since love will find you when you least expect it. Just live life right now, and things will be just fine.

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