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Did he blow me off??

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I have been working with this guy for the past three months and liked him a lot. Anyways we have been flirting since the beginning and it seemed as though he liked me back. All the signs revealed that he was interested. For example: he lives 40 minutes from work and when I asked if he would bring his new puppy in to work when he wasn't working so I could see it, he said sure.I even brought my dog in for him to see. Anyways the day before he was going to bring it in he told me he had changed his mind, that it was too far, and that he was afraid the dog would go to the bathroom in his car. So I said that was fine and acted like everything was cool. Well the next day I worked and sure enough he came in with the dog anyways. He drove 40 minutes just so I could see his dog. He does stuff like this all the time, he looks me straight in the eye all the time, smiles, asks questions about me and my family, and my life.He even gives me and my friends free ice cream when I come into the store, even though he is not supposed to. So I asked him one night if he wanted to hang out sometime outside of work. He said yes and then I preceeded to ask him for his phone number, well he said it was on the employee list and that I should give him a call sometime. So I did. I called him on a friday and never heard back from him. Then the sunday after that, my friend and I went in for ice cream, the first thing he said was that he was soooo sorry he didn't return my call and that he and his friends were out of town ( this is true because he called to change the work schedule and told the manager that he would not be in town). Anyways, he gave us free ice cream, and even interrupted a customer to ask if I wanted lids to put on my ice cream cup before I was about to leave. After that I ran into the back room ( he was the only one in there at that time, and asked him if he wanted to go to my friends party the following friday, he said definitly, but that he was working till 10 I told him it wouldn't start until 11 anyways. So that was that. Well, it turns out that my frineds roommate came back into town and didn't like the idea of having a party, so they canceled it. The entire week he didn't call me, he has never called me, so i called him on Friday to let him know that the party had been canceled , but to ask if he wanted to hang out after he got off of work instead. He said sure ( he did sound cold on the phone, which is the first time he has ever spoken to me in such a way, I thought I might have just gotten him at a bad time).Anyways he told me that he didn't know what time he would finish, and that it depends on how busy the resturant is. He said he might get out at 10 11 and that he has even gotten out at 12 before. He sounded like he was just making excuses. And then he said he wanted me to call him later, but then changed his mind and gave me the whole no dont call me, I'll call you bid and never did. WHY!!!!! I dont understand. why would he say yes to me twice and mean no. why would he risk having tension at work, when he just could have told me he wasn't interested, that is if he is not interested. Was he interested, or was I just seeing what I wanted to see? I dont get it. I am very honest and hate these stupid games. If he had told me from the start I wouldn't have waisted my time, you know? As of now, I am just acting like nothing is the matter at work. Or should I question him about his behavior? I dont want to start anything, I really did like him, but being his friend would have been just as good. Did I come on too strong too fast?Did he blow me off?? Please help!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah, i do think he was blowing you off. i think he was acting like a real jerk to you. just act like nothing is wrong at work, and if he talks to you, just kind of give him the cold sholder. if he asks whats wrong, then just say he's acting weird, and it made you think he didn't want to be your friend anymore (even though you like him more than that). just listen to what he says when you tell him whats wrong, if he seems to care how you feel, then he would be a cool friend to have. notice i'm saying friend a lot. i do think i would be better if you didn't have high expectations about you and him, and just be okay friends for a while. if its ment to be, then it will happen for you. but honestly, he sounds like an a**hole.

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  • 1 month later...

I agree. Blow him off and make him come and talk to you. You didn't do anything wrong. Even if he does end up appologizing, I'd still question his integrity. Friends or even co-workers shouldn't treat each other like that. Do you really want to be with someone who is hot and then cold?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

He's definitely blowing you off and you shouldn't even bother he is a waste of your time. Move on girl and just forget about him he gave up a good thing. If he does try to talk to you give him the cold shoulder and if he ask why tell him. But don't let him get to you just go about your business girl there are more fish in the sea and you should just forget him. He's definitely not worth it. From Tee

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