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Slap Me Please


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Blocked his number 6 days ago. Now dealing with "what if he wanted to reach out and now can't?" Ugh. Make it stop. It's like locking the front door at night and then laying there wondering 'What if the robbers want in and can't get in?" . I guess it's all part of the process of letting go. sucks.


Story is here:



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I just read through your other thread where you tell the story. This is what I see after reading all of that. I think after your dad died and you got depressed, he couldn't deal with it all because you didn't give him the attention he needed (this is what he is thinking, not that I am saying he is right with this thinking). I think during that time he met this other woman from the past and since she was lavishing him with attention, he saw her as the better one to be with at the time. He bailed out on you thinking he was getting something better. He didn't move in with her immediately because she probably didn't ask him to yet etc. He found out she wasn't the perfect doormat he was expecting so after you started texting him again he saw a possibility of getting back together with you and getting away from her. She apparently straightened up and things got ok between them again so he once again dropped contact with you etc. He has been going back and forth between you and her in his own way etc.


He's looking for a mother, not a woman for a relationship. You held this guys hand and did things for him like a Mom. He is lazy and doesn't want to make the effort to do things for himself to improve his own life. As soon as a woman doesn't wipe his backside (a figure of speech) for him anymore, he gets stupid and wants to run away. He's an overgrown big baby and you don't need that crap.


You bent over backwards for this man, showed him true love and helped him get straight. He didn't appreciate it.. he expected it. That's the difference. He doesn't know the meaning of love and respect. You did nothing wrong in this to me except one thing... you continued to text him when he didn't respond to you. When he didn't respond to you, you should have let it all go. Have a little pride girl. Block him for good, heal and move on. Get a real man, not some selfish little boy. You are intelligent and have a lot going for you. Get the man you deserve hun.. and let the loser find another mommy.

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I read your posts as well...

You deserve 100 times better - you seem like a thoughtful, good person a good catch who is willing to commit and care for her relationship, dont let him impact your self esteem just work on making yourself less available. Like how we discussed in my post - stop ignoring the red flags.. be smarter and help yourself. Stop going back day one over and over again its self torture.


From you prior post that detailed your story all i got out of it was u never completely went NC.. you either texted him, or he called you and you chated or messaged him... its not worth the struggle it will only make you go back 100 steps. There several threads on this website about NC and how important it is.. and only contact once you have healed. You never allowed yourself to heal.. get yourself off this asap as it will hold you back from finding someone worthy.

Sometimes use girls have a hard time accepting that reality (i can relate) we dnt like coming to terms with that fact that a relationship ended because it was not meant to be... i was not "the one" for him and vice versa. Once you come to terms with all of that you will not give a rats a** (excuse my language) about "if" he calls you or needs you and your numbers blocke.. instead you would laugh at even worrying about him..


All i can say is good riddance on to better happier days

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Just read your story. You deserve a lot better than that! This guy is all over the place. He sounds like he's right out of high school. YOU WILL FIND SOMEONE ELSE! Stop contacting him and realize he should be treating you like the QUEEN that you are and contacting you. Look at all you have done for him. If you don't back off, he will never see it for himself, and this rollercoaster ride will never end. Stop reaching out to him. He needs to wake up and grow up. He's going to keep flip flopping all over the place if you don't. I can see it's hard for you to let go, but you need to do it for yourself! Life is too short to base it around someone like that. You aren't growing. He's pulling you back. Stay busy and focusing on yourself right now. He will wake up one day.

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No one should expected to be treated like a queen. You should expect to be shown love, respect and honor, and you should treat your partner with the same.


Most women I know who constantly insist they should be treated like a queen are the same ones that are always crying how they can't keep a relationship. Just my basic observation.

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Thank you all very much. It really helps. I am digging this place and y'all are great. I'm glad I can come here and chat with y'all, now I Just have to keep it moving! Going to the gym later. Also rearranged the furniture. I'm trying to fill my time (off work for the summer).

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No one should expected to be treated like a queen. You should expect to be shown love, respect and honor, and you should treat your partner with the same.


Most women I know who constantly insist they should be treated like a queen are the same ones that are always crying how they can't keep a relationship. Just my basic observation.


It's a figure of speech. No one is going to treat anyone like royalty, but obviously she is putting up with way to much. This guy isn't treating her the way she should be treated and I'm just trying to get the point accross. She still should be treated like a lady, and not an option.

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It's true. I have been an option but only because I allowed it. Im the only one who ever reached out or tried. all he did was respond. So any hurt from that contact comes only from me. I strung myself along. but Now I'm not. I've ceased to exist in his world, I have no Facebook and blocked his number. He's too much afraid of being embarrased to show up in person. It's done.

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