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How do I get her back? Or is it too late?

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Hey all,

me and my girlfriend had been dating a little over 1 year and a half. Both of us are in college, and in our senior years. Well, this semester she has had to put a lot more time and work into her studies than I have. We had been arguing a lot because I *maybe* got to see her once every 2 or 3 weeks, which I really thought was rediculous since she lives 15 minutes away. So I felt like she never wanted to spend time with me because of how little we had been seeing each other.


About 2 weeks ago we got to talking and she suggested splitting up to see how we really felt about each other. I agreed to it. It didn't really hit me till a day or so later when I wanted to tell her about something that happened and I couldn't bring myself to call her. As the week progressed my thoughts and feelings changed about what I wanted and if I was being selfish and not being understanding in the relationship. I thought about it a lot and I felt as though I had done a lot of wrong in pestering her so much and a lot of the arguing could have been prevented. So I broke down at the end of the week and I wrote her a really long email telling her everything I felt.


She called later that night and told me that it made her cry. I asked her what she thought of it all and she seemed to get uncomfortable and said "I dont know". Id gotten really sick with some kinda cold so I told her I was goin to the doctors the next day. She wanted me to call her and let her know what he said but she ended up callin me before I could get a chance. So we talked for a bit and she told me to call when I was feeling better. I called her tonight and she said she was busy cookin with her family and she would call back if she could but if she didnt talk to me then to have a good thanksgiving. Well, she never called back but I'm just wondering when and if I should call. I really miss her even though I couldn't see her all that much....and I'd like her back in my life, is there hope and what should I do? Thanks guys

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If it were me I would call her just because I don't give up easily on the person that I care about. I feel you will have more regrets not knowing how she feels than you would if you call her. What would it hurt by calling her? She will be friendly. Don't give up so easily! Give her a call!

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