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Ok, I have heard of this so much, and really excuse my ignorence but what in the earth is a lapdance... I wanna knows so bad!!! it kinda sounds funny of not knowing, but they told me this girl tried to lapdance to my boy and he refused but I really wanna know what it is?? anyone?? thanks!

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Basically a woman starts off in some lingerie and just starts dancing sexily for the guy. She can remove the lingerie during the dance (usually takes bra off), and basically gets real close to him with her face, breasts, legs. She often will rub her groin and backside against his crotch. Once the song ends, so does the dance.

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Although JonnyG gave a good definition of a strip club lapdance (or a private one), a lapdance can be done just about anywhere that has some music. My g/f just gave me a lapdance the other night while we were at a club. All the girl needs to do is sit down the guy in a chair, dance "for him" (usually a bit provacative) and let him enjoy the "show". If a girl was trying to do that to your guy, I think that it was more like either a party or club type scene, and while you b/f was sitting down a girl tried to dance on his lap (hence the name lapdance). That's my 2 cents anyways.

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From your question, I doubt you have anything to worry about. Sounds like you are about 12 or 13... and the lapdance you are referring to was probably a FULLY CLOTHED almost lapdance attempt. Dont worry it was probably a prank on your boyfriend by his friends. lol

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Although JonnyG gave a good definition of a strip club lapdance (or a private one), a lapdance can be done just about anywhere that has some music. My g/f just gave me a lapdance the other night while we were at a club. All the girl needs to do is sit down the guy in a chair, dance "for him" (usually a bit provacative) and let him enjoy the "show". If a girl was trying to do that to your guy, I think that it was more like either a party or club type scene, and while you b/f was sitting down a girl tried to dance on his lap (hence the name lapdance). That's my 2 cents anyways.


Yeah oops , my definition was just a strip club type of lapdance. In regards to this thread read Switch187's response.

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I have never had one (or seen one performed) but I thought it involved the girl sitting on the guys lap and "grinding" into him until he reaches orgasm. Although, maybe not all are the same because I had a friend at work who went out to a strip club during lunch one day and returned 3 hours later having supposedly had 8 lap dances!

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