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Is he confused about 'us' and moving on, if he seems okay about our contact?


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A month ago i split from my bf because I accused him of seeing someone else.

He's still denying it.

I contacted him again after almost 2 weeks of NC. He has replied to most of my texts and he seemed happy to hear from me.

He admitted he did miss me the time we didn't talk, was sad and confused..

He said he does like to hear from me, has let me pour my heart out re; my feelings for him.

w/out being told to shut up about it.

In the last 2 weeks he's called me twice and came over.


With admitting he does like to hear from me still and that i'm NOT being a bother and all the above.

I'm confused now as to whether he is totally wanting me out of his life, is he ready to move on

and I don't think he's actually over me, especially enough to move on comfortably, with

someone else.


Like I said, he's admitted he is confused. He's not sure if he wants to continue or not- but I don't think he totally wants to let me go either?

I do think it's a bit hard to throw 5 years of memories and feelings under the carpet in a month or two.

Is not that easy to totally say goodbye to someone you've shared this much time with, I find.


. Is he ready to move on? I don't think so.

I feel he's done a rebound.

But I still get that deep down ache and sick feeling knowing what i'm up against right now!


If only I could turn back time and fix some things and do it right

I will just leave him be i think for the next few weeks and see IF he actually makes an attempt to contact me again.

If not? Maybe he's made up his mind.. then I guess i'll have to respect this & leave him alone...it hurts!

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His out of character actions/changes.

Not being around/avail at least one night a week or sometimes thru weekend.

Not replying to text or phone call.


this has been noted thru last cpl of months. But he's denying 'seeing someone else'.

well- if your NOT home ( I am able to see if he's home & online)- which is normal like clockwork

to know when he's home from a meeting or work.

Some nights a no show at all- all night. once thru week occasionally twice and many wknds.

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He'd say something like I went to look at a job, i was at a meeting etc. BUT I know, when he does go to a meeting, he always goes online to check his mail. So- I guess he can't check mail IF he's not home, right?

Just confusing to me that if he's gone into a rebound relation- way too fast, when we've been together 5 years~

And then for him to act so happy to hear from me again, called me twice & has come to see me as well 2 x's. in the last month... I think he's just really confused and NOT sure he really wants to let me go?

or, unsure as to whether he wants to 'move on' into something real with this other gal?

I get the feeling he does still feel a lot for me and unsure as to what he wants now.

IF this is a 'rebound' for him, i wish soon he'd realize it, see it as wrong, that he still favours me and will come

back. Because he's let me pour my heart out to him and it didn't bother him. Saying I am not a bother and

to text anytime.. etc.

All I Know is I HURT with the thought and loss over him and I hope he feels some hurt & loss here too!! 5 years man!

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