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Did I disappoint her or freak her out?

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I asked hot girl, you know, 19, Jacksonville, blah, blah, blah.....

if she wanted to go see a movie she really wasn't that interested in, by her own admission, and she told me so. So I asked her if she wanted to go see something she was interested in.

She said,"Umm, it sounds like you're asking me out on a date."


I'm not going to tell you what I answered with, because even though it's definitely impossible, I'm afraid that someone would reach out and slap me in the face, but just to give the general idea, it involved the words "go","as" and "friends" and then I brought up the "other girl problem".

So she said we would talk about it later.

I know what you're going to say, idiot, dumb***,

but when she said "date" I panicked! I was afraid of:


1. Rejection

2. The other girl (which I brought up, by the way)


Now, it is a definite, sure thing that I am going to call her and clear things up a bit more, possibly trying again and taking whatever answer comes without fearing rejection or..........a yes.


Now, I never, EVER toot my own horn, but is it even 1 out of a million chances possible I disappointed her? Did she want a date with me? Then she probably thought I was messed up in the head by asking her and mentioning someone else?


What should I tell her to clear this up...

And bear in mind, I WANT TO MOVE ON, but I just can't let go of someone I cared about so much. Do you think this girl could help me let go if I got a date with her and spent time with someone else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am a 23 year old attractive female and to be quite frank I myself would appreciate an honest reply from you. If you do have the courage to contact her you should complement her and tell you that you were nervous and that's the first thing that came out of your head. Tell you that you would like to ask her on a date!! Don't make excuses as to why you want to spend time with her.


Plus, I think when she asked you if you were asking her on a date, was a means to make sure that is what was going on. thereforeeeeeee you made things even more confusing for her.


She probably wants to talk about more then your ex, so just tell her the truth. Complementing a woman is a respectable manner usually works.

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