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really unsure


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ok i met this girl about 2 years ago. the first time i met her there was attracttion...we did kiss on the 3rd time i met her. now time passes and we never dated but recenlty i met up with her again. this was on halloween night...we chatted for a while, then when i walked to her car, i went in for a kiss which i did. now she continued to kiss me after that.

now i really have a stronger attracttion to her. we spoke everyday for a week. she would call me at work and talk. the following week the calls stopped. i could not figure it out..so i called a few times and no answer. she finally did call and said that she was working late shifts at the hospital and never had time to call me. in that time i e-mailed her saying that i was really attracted to her. it's been last thursday since we spoke...i called her a few times but she never called back. should i be concerned or am i over-reacting. i really like this girl but i'm also afraid of getting hurt

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It sounds like she is figuring things out. Maybe you did something that she didn't like and she changed her mind about the whole thing. Maybe she met someone else. Maybe she's just been busy.


You just need to come out and ask her if she still wants to see you or ask her to go out again some time.

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You're becoming too predictable. You're calling and e-mailing way too much. Why did you e-mail her to tell her that you're attracted to her? If she is a very attractive girl, she's probably used to hearing this all the time; thereforeeee, you don't stand out from the crowd. Make yourself less available - don't become a doormat. Yeah, most likely she's been busy too.

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hi guys..i took your advice and never called her in about a week. but i decided to call yesterday...only to find out that her cell phone is no longer in service...i'm speechless...i know for sure now she is not interested, but what really tickes me off is the way she handled it. i mean i would have been more happier having her say she is not interested, but to stop calling and the disconnecting her cell phone..that is just a real slap in my face. hey i never called her that much..this one i really don't get...what makes it worse is i feel sooooo rejected and ashamed of myself. i'm constantly thinking of what i did wrong

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Sorry man. Don't sweat it. It's her loss, and don't think her disconnecting her cell has anything to do with you - unless you called her a million times a day.. Move on... Plenty of fish in the sea, and just think of it as an opportunity to find someone who will really appreciate you.

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