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Theres Was a Fight today...i was in it.....

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You see theres a girl i like,and i know she likes me too...but today something happaned,a guy cam up to me and wanted to fight me,he pushed me right in front of the girl i liked,yes,she was watching he said alot of garbage and i said i did not want to fight,he cursed at me and walked away,he let me down and i looked at her...she looked at me and she looked dissappointed at me..i was thinking DODN"T fight but a Burning desire to fight and....i did,when he had his back turned and tryed to get a headlock but he got out,we back up as the kids circled around us,and in the corner was the girl of my dreams looking...so we went at it...the boy and me glared at each other as we walk in a circle...he dash forward i held him,i kicked him but he loosened out he swung at me but i dodged it,and in the processed he tripped that was my chance i grabbed him and gave him multiple punches to the gut he got out again and hit me in the face, and he tryed to do it again and he hit again but tripped on me,was was furious he tried holding me down i punched him on the back then the teach came and put his leg on my neck and another teacher got my legs,and he ran to the kids,as the teachers grabbed me i yelled out"THIS IS NOT OVER!!"


i won't be in school for another week,but if i losed then she will think i'm weak,and no girl would go out with a ant,so i wanted to know...


did i win?

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Well, according to your description of the fight, I'd say it was about even too. But I have a question. Are there really girls that like guys who fight? I mean, if there are, I've never seen one, because they all think guys who fight are immature... So, what I'm trying to say is that even if she likes guys who fight, you shouldn't fight just because she's around. You should fight for respect, and nothing else. Fight for yourself, and maybe fight for others when their fight is unfair (a much bigger kid beating a smaller kid up...). Even then, it's better to fight as a means of self-defense, not just to kick some punk's rear end because of some stupid thing he said (unless they say something that includes your mother in it... I loose control when something like that happens, which isn't that often). Anyway, I just think it's strange for a girl to like a guy who gets into fights... Don't fight, 95% of the time it's only a waste of time...

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I hate guys that fight each other over something fickle, it makes them seem so immature

Possibly a fight every know and then for dominance of some sort is good, and it makes you look tough if you win, but if theres no reason for a fight why bother?

Personally I'd think it would be more impressive if you told the guy to F-off and walked away. There is a differnce between beating someone up because he annoyed you and beating someone up for constantly disrespecting you.

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