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I'm meeting his children for the first time. yikes!

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hi everyone. I have posted many times about my relationship with my bf and I'm happy to say by taking alot of your advice things are working out well. I had a long discussion with my bf and we were able to work out many of our problems. I am only faced with one more problem that I need help to get through. I will be meeting his children for the first time.he is telling his children that me and him are just friends so that they can get used to the idea of seeing him with another woman besides their mother. This kinda makes me feel like crap being called just a friend but if it's best for his kids then I guess I have to agree.

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i kno that meeting your bf children is a scary thing, im sure that my stpemom was scared we she had to meet me for the first time but look at it this way, they are just children, and like every other child i kno if u are nice to them and play with them then they will like you and be nice right back. depending on how old they are it doesnt make one bit of differnece to them if you ar e married to their dad or just a strange lady in his house, as long as you are nice to them they will be nice right back. now after saying all that, if they are young children then expect them to not want to talk to you at first from the mere fact that you are a stranger and they arent sure if they can trust you and what not. i guess it helped that my stepmom already had kids that were about my age and younger but either way it took a little time for me to figure out that she was an ok person, and now i have a better relationship with her then with my own mother. so dont get nervous you will be fine. and good luck. let me kno how it turns out.

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his children are teenagers and I have four children of my own. I love kids so I dont't think that will be a problem. This is just the first time I have ever been in a relationship with someone that has children. it's kinda scary because together we have six children. that's quit a handful and so now it's like we all have to get use to each other and all six kids are teenager all about the same age five boys and one girl. yikes!

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Well if his kids are teenagers they probably don't buy the whole "friends" story anyway. So don't let that get you down. He's doing it to ease them into this, but kids are smart. They'll figure out what the deal is.


Just be yourself. Be genuine. You've got 4 kids of your own, so you know how it works. They see right through it when you try too hard or when you are nervous about something. And they get suspicious of someone who wants to be their best friend right away.


So just relax. Roll with it. Let them get to know you for who you really are. Once they have met you a few times they'll relax and let their guard down a bit. I'm sure you'll do just fine.

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