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The girl I am after....


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Thanks for reading this and helping in advance.

Ok this is not going to be too long as I want to get to the point. I have finished school not to long ago(2 weeks) and sill soon be working at the local supermarket full time for the summer(used to work part time).


I have become quite close to a girl at work and now we have both finished school and both be working full time over summer. I need help in how I should approach her to ask her on a date. I really like her, and I think she feels the same. I am not worried about being rejected I just don't want any strangeness between us if she does(hope this will not happen). The problem is that I do not know how I should get her alone to ask her out(don't need to be rejected in front of co-workers) or where to ask her out to.


Please help. I have wanted to ask her a few times but cannot do it as people are always around.


Thanks again.

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Well you need to find times when you both get off at the same time. Ask here is she wants to go to a coffee shop.note have one already picked out . If she says yes than your in the clear. Don't worry too much about work being weird, many of my ex's and I still talk whenever we see each other.

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Take her aside one day and ask her if she would like to hang out with you sometime. If she hesitates and says anything like, "Um yeah maybe sometime", then she isn't interested but is being nice. If she gets a little bit excited and smiles, then you know she does want to.



Based on my past experience of "romance in the workplace", I want to warn you to be careful. I was asked out by a co-worker one day because he thought I was interested. I thought I was acting towards all my co-workers in the same way but to him it was flirting. For a while, it weirded me out, but I got over it and we get along great.


Hope it all works out.

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yeah thanks, The problem is at the moment we never finish the same time, She is finishing at 12pm and I am at 4pm. Also taking her aside may be the only way.


EDIT: Would it be a bad Idea to call her one day(she has given me her phone number, and I have also driven her home a few times) and ask if she would like to come for a coffee? We live very close, and very close to some of the best cafe's in the city. Is it a good idea to call, or should it be done in person/



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