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Boyfriend Played with my life.

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I'm a 19 year old gay guy and i've never had trouble meeting guys but i've always had trouble getting close to someone. Then I met this guy through mutual friends and now we've been dating a few months, and we both held back but I do have feelings for him. We finally talked about our future and I told him it was time to either get together oficially or move on. He then told me that he loves me but he just found out he's HIV+, and he's known since before we started dating I'm getting tested soon but im pretty sure im out of danger, but I don't know how to feel about this guy anymore or what to do about our relationship if there is indeed going to be one to salvage. But now I feel like I cant trust him...but I love him.What should I do?

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I really think he should have been honest from the first. I wouldn´t trust him either after a betrayal like that. I know it´s hard, but you should keep your self-respect and look for someone who´ll respect you too. You love him now, or you´re in love with him since after all he turned out to be someone different from who you loved, but in the long run you´ll probably feel better if you stand up for yourself.

Take care.


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