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friend who cuts basically

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My best friend slits her wrist, her reason is basically rooted with her ex-boyfriend and very low self-esteem. She feels that without a boyfriend she's nothing. It was her ex-boyfriend, who just happened to be her first boyfriend that made her feel special, worth something. Now, he's left and pretty much ignores her now, her self-esteem has plummetted. She's over the ex but that's when the problems started when she broke up over him.


She used to say the days with her ex were her happiest. She felt wanted and had something to do with her life. Now, she slits herself and feels unwanted despite her close family and friendships. But it's all back to boy matter- most teen girls want a guy in their life but she feels she NEEDS one. She liked this other guy, but another one of her friends started dating him even when she knew my best friend liked him. So she feels ugly and blames herself for losing out on the guy.


It's very hard to convince her otherwise. She wants to stop cutting but it's addictive and I'm worried for her. I talk to her to help her but it's really hard most of the time.

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I no that feeling soooooooo well!


When my boyfriend dumped me i was devastated then he started playing all the games just to make me hate myself and take away what little confidence i had left. Thats when I starting cutting, after a while i told my closes friend and he has been helping me sooooooo much I havent cut for 6 days and i'm still going stronger!


I think your friend needs some support and someone to understand her and if she doesn't want to stop cutting staight away then leave her she'll know when she's ready, no one likes to be pushed into things!!!!

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Yeah, her ex played games too. His intentions were never too clear. He once pretended to be this lesbian and added her to his MSN. When her mum, she and I found out, it was he, we were so angry. Her mum rang up his parents and he got grounded from the machine ever since.

But anyway she's over him but what he's done to her, you can still see the impacts. The low self-esteem, the little self-belief. She cuts badly, not everyday but fairly often.


I tried at first to push her out of this habit. I realise now that decision is for her only and all I can is be a support to her.

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