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I am a first timer to this site..the woman I thought was the love of my life broke up with me in a cruel way....right after I had had surgery....and she did it over the phone...we were only together for 3 months...but we were in love and most everything seemed great....I haven't been able to shake her from my mind....I have tried everything...taking classes....dating....going to the gym...rearranging the furniture....etc


I have not stalked her...but I have called her a few times and emailed....but not very much....I have been met with a brick wall..initially she was very cold...the last time I called about six weeks ago...she agreed to meet for coffee...but later emailed and cancelled saying we should just leave things as they are....I made no overtures to her about getting back together...just wanted a friendly meeting...Truth is I do want her back...and just can't get her out of my mind despite therapy...lots of reading...etc...HELP!

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That sounds rough. I wonder why you are ok with her braking up with you in a "cruel way". At any rate, she doesn't really sound, from the info you gave, like she is all that to begin with. Maybe there is something else going on, with you, that is keeping your feelings alive for you, she isn't. Ultimately, you can't control wether she is going to put effort into it and she doesn't seem to want to. Wait a bit and approach later in a way that doesn't seem like you are trying to get her back. good luck

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