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I don't miss him but I miss the routine

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It's been 3 weeks. While I know it's good that he's no longer in my life, I

miss our routine, you know, getting texts throughout the day updating each other, coming home to him, waking up beside him, planning things with him. We we're together 3 years, but I knew we were a bad match all along so it's not like the break up was not inevitable.


I've maintained no contact. My brain knows I'm doing the best thing, but why is there a disconnect between my brain and my heart?

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Because as rational as our brains can be we are still human not robots, he was part of your life for a long time and even though you know its better that its over you still miss the routine like you say. The closeness and comfort and just having someone that you can share anything and everything with. I felt that way before and all I can say is that time will heal everything, soon enough you will start to feel better and you won’t miss those little things.

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I know exactly how you feel. This is perhaps why so far I have been unable to let go of my girlfriend 3 weeks after we broke up.


After all, though, they do say that time heals everything and given that you knew your relationship was not what it should be (like mine), I am sure that you will start to feel better sooner than you think.


Feel free to reply to my post if you have the time



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For me, it's only been 2 weeks. But I feel the same.

I know that he is not the right person for myself and my children, but I miss his presence in my life. Just having someone else that knows everything that is going on and is there to support you through it is so huge. I miss him so much.

But I hope that I am able to find someone who is an even better fit for me.

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