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hi, recently i've been finding it very hard to trust people, mostly boys. I am so confused as to where i am right now. My ex bf and i were thinking of getting back together and i know i still have feelings for him and i care about him but he says he needs to work out other parts of his life first and then we can be together. I respect that but what if things are the same, he doesnt seem to care to see me or talk to me as much as i want to see him but he says that he loves me. Also, what makes it more confusing is that i had feelings for a friend of mine in the period of my break up with my ex and for the sake of friendship, i let those feelings go. But this person, the friend, keeps asking how i feel abt him even though he says he doenst like anyone and he'll only be happy with his ex and he doesnt want a relationship right now. Basically, i'm getting mixed signals from him. He talks abt other girls all the time and i dont know if he asked me how i feel abt him because he was afraid that he was hurting me by talking abt other girls. The thing is, this is so confusing.....Can anyone help me? PS...its not about being with any of them, i just want to figure this out cuz it really bothers me

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There is a HUGE chance that if you and your ex got back together things would be fantastic for a little while and then they would go back to exactly where they were before you broke up...


Its a risk... Ive been stupid enough to fall for it a few times and maybe even a third... (once with one guy and now maybe twice with another)

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